BunBun Mom
Well-Known Member
Ok, we've had Blossom for almost 2 weeks now.She's still in the ex-lrg dog crate that we moved next to Benny's cage.We're hoping to get her a cage made within the next few weeks.
Benny's still doing good and most important and he's still eating.They're actually eating together b/c I put her food across from Benny.When Benny's out they touch noses through the side of the crate(I usedthe top peice with the vent holes in it and made a top for it out ofgrids). The only thing he does is dig at her b/c it doesn't seemaggressive to me. He's also jumping up in the air again.
What I was wondering is...is it a bad idea to let her out in the roomwhen he's up? I've been taking her to a different room all but one timeand Benny didn't see her that time. When I got home tonight, I went toplay with them and feed them. As soon as I lifted the top off ofBlossom's crate she jumpedout and took off. Benny was sittingthere just munching and she ran over to his cage. I was trying to catchher b/c everytime she ran over there he would run back and forth andstart digging and chewing on the grids....that's not too suprising b/che chews on the all the time, inside the cage and out.
It got me wondering if that would make him mad and make intro's harderwhen that happens. He didn't seem to worried by it when I let him out.He hopped around smelling everywhere she had been. Then went back tofinish his food.
What do ya'll think?
Benny's still doing good and most important and he's still eating.They're actually eating together b/c I put her food across from Benny.When Benny's out they touch noses through the side of the crate(I usedthe top peice with the vent holes in it and made a top for it out ofgrids). The only thing he does is dig at her b/c it doesn't seemaggressive to me. He's also jumping up in the air again.
What I was wondering is...is it a bad idea to let her out in the roomwhen he's up? I've been taking her to a different room all but one timeand Benny didn't see her that time. When I got home tonight, I went toplay with them and feed them. As soon as I lifted the top off ofBlossom's crate she jumpedout and took off. Benny was sittingthere just munching and she ran over to his cage. I was trying to catchher b/c everytime she ran over there he would run back and forth andstart digging and chewing on the grids....that's not too suprising b/che chews on the all the time, inside the cage and out.
It got me wondering if that would make him mad and make intro's harderwhen that happens. He didn't seem to worried by it when I let him out.He hopped around smelling everywhere she had been. Then went back tofinish his food.
What do ya'll think?