Another Hello From Canada

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Hello people of this forum!

I'm not only new to RabbitsOnline, I'm actually quite new to Internet forums, so please excuse any mistakes and errors I make along the way.

I would like to introduce myself and my baby girl, Indy. I recently adopted her from a nearby humane society, and she's become a near obsession of mine for the past month. I was previously ignorant to the joys of rabbits, and I'm very glad I cleared up all my misconceptions.


She's a house rabbit, although I have contained her to one bunny-proof room, as she does not appear to like our other animals, which are quite numerous in number. Since taking this photo, she has lost a good 4 inches of hair and I'm STILL working on it. She's not a fan of sitting still for me.

I am currently planning on the introduction of another rabbit, so that Indy isn't too lonely when I'm not home (and someone to help groom that dust mop she calls a coat.)

I myself am a recent graduate with a BA in Psychology, but as of yet have no immediate plans to utilize that in the near future. This is neither interesting nor important, but I feel some personal history is required.

I am excited to meet rabbit people! There are not many around me at this point in time, but hopefully that may change :)

I look forward to your replies!


It's nice to have other Calgary members on here.

If you need help grooming, send me a PM. I do rabbit grooming so can help you out if you want. I am in the SW part of the city.

If you want to meet more rabbit people in the city, check out the Canadian Rabbit Hopping Club. We are based in Calgary and do rabbit agility. We have an event on Sat the 17th where anyone can come participate.

Indy if very pretty. I hope you two are doing well and she doesn't let you get into too much trouble. :biggrin2:
Oh hey! Calgary! Yay!

I've seen a bit of the club activities at the Calgary Pet Expo if I'm not mistaken. I was much more enamored with the dogs at the show at that time to be honest, but seeing the little agility course is actually what first brought rabbits to my attention. I was quite amazed by the entire spectacle, and it was after that time I started to look into rabbits as pets. Which of course led me to where I am today.

I'll be sure to look more into the club for sure!

As for the grooming, she's a choppy mess at the moment, but I am slowly ridding her of her hair and some mats I have found on the way. She is very easily distracted by food and I use that to my full advantage at dinner time :)
I'm not sure what she is, actually. I'm leaning towards French Angora based on her size (which was HUGE until I cut off her hairy forcefield), but she was picked up as a stray in a rural area so I'm not entirely sure :) I brought her home in early August, so pretty recently!

Our other pets include 2 border collie types, 2 beastly huge cats, 2 mini donkey's and an arabian horse at the moment. And this is the fewest number of animals we've had in many years :biggrin: Can't imagine living without my dysfunctional family!

I must say, if that's Toby in you avatar, he is very cute! I have a soft spot for chubby little cheeks!
It is indeed, he has the chubbiest of cheeks while somehow remaining pretty slender.

I love the term hairy forcefield... it's so accurate and paints such a picture for me :) You should get get into agility with Kate and the rest of them; it would be amazing to see that ball of fur flying over the jumps.
Hahahaha I love it. She would clearly rock the Swiffer audition by simply existing... They would be lucky to have her!
She does look like a French Angora. Jersey Woolies tend to be smaller too. She could also be a mix with another angora breed. I know there is a localish angora breeder, but I am not sure how much she has worked with the frenches.
They certainly don't seem to be very popular in the area, or my end at the very least. It raises questions as to where exactly she came from. I could probably narrow the search quite easily, actually - as the area she was picked up as a stray is pretty remote. She had to have come from somewhere haha
It can be hard to know where they may come from. Breeders and even pet owners can import rabbits from the states and other provinces, so they can really come from anywhere. When I got Sean from the humane society, he had apparently come from the Edmonton area (or at least more northern Alberta) and was transferred to Calgary. I have no idea where he may have come from orginally and there is really no way to know now. If she has a tattoo in the left ear, they can be a way to trace where she came from, not fool proof but a good place to start.

I would say that there are very few 'stray' rabbits. Most are probably dumped and are friendly enough to go up to people and get rescued that way. With an angora, you can sort of tell the care they would have gotten before as they don't groom themselves.

One thing about angoras is that you will find the wool everywhere. With carpet, you can vacuum all you want and won't get it all out. It also gets all over you no matter how much you try to get it off.
Haha she matches with my carpet, so that worked out well in the end. Not to mention our cats are much worse.

She was actually picked up in the Bragg Creek area, which is rather small, and I adopted her from the Cochrane Humane Society. She must have been a pet, because its certainly a strange area, and with all the wildlife, I imagine there area lot of bunny-predators in said area. Perhaps someone dropped her off at the park? She was in poor condition, had to be clipped to rid of all her mats.

She certainly is lucky to have been found! Although I can imagine they caught her quite easily considering her response to food is a full sprint in your direction. Its been useful in getting her to respond to her name!

I actually posted in the section to get opinions on her breed. Not that its crucially important, but I am interested to know some opinions. Particularly because I know absolutely nothing except the bit I have learned from google searches.
I would like to welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

Beautiful bunny.

Many bunnies’ recommend their slaves to this site so we may learn of others methods to keeping our furry masters happy.

If you everhave a sick bunny, please post in The Infirmary and include your rabbit's age, breed and health history as well diet and output details leading up to the problem.

Here are somelinks I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*The House Rabbit Society has a lot of good information on what veggies are safe for bunny’s, etc.

*Here is a link to learn what your furry master is trying to say to you How to Understand Your Bunny's Language

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Here is a link tothat will help you and your bunny to connect, How to Bond with Your Bunny.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, Upload Photo's to Photo Gallery. Then in the post, you click on the "G" in the tool bar to insert your photo. Many people also use Photobucket. You just copy the img file and paste it into the post.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and I am glad you have joined rabbits online; I look forward to seeing you around.


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