Animal dreams

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Chompers was out like a light, eyes fully closedand everything, when his feet start going. Then his ears. Then hejerked himself awake. It was so cute and funny. He lifted his head,blinked a few times, then went right back to sleep.

Then my cat woke himself up hissing at something in his dream. Thething is, he never hisses or growls, so I can only wonder whathe was dreaming about.

Do your pets dream noticeably?
Daytona is a big dreamer. He lays on the floor,on his side, and you can see his feet moving like he's running, he alsowhines, and barks in his sleep. Also one of the things he the most inhis sleep is something that isn't so cute... HE TOOTS.....

I noticed Tucker dreams alot too. His ears twitch, his feet twitch, andon occation he wakes himself up. I never noticed Buster, but then againhe's tooooooo PERFECT to do anything like dream......:disgust:


I had a dog once who would sleep on the top ofthe steps to upstairs (which was my bedroom). In the middleof the night he would give a whine and kick out, which would send himrolling all the way down the stairs!!:D He would then run upthe stairs, look aound puzzled, lay down where he was and go back tosleep.:disgust:
Our dog Samantha does that alot. She would besound as sleep then the next thing you see is her feet twitchin, reallygrowls, barks, cry, wimper, howl, and she even ran as she woke her selfup. So funny.

One time we had our nephew living with us for awhile and we werewatching a really scary movie that we never saw. We both heard howlingand we stopped the movie. It still kept howling so we ran everywherehopeing there was no wild animals at our door. So I grabbed our bb handgun for protection. The next thing I saw was my dog Isaac howling whilehe was sleeping then he awoke him self and shook his head. Back to bedhe went.Scared the living crap out of us. We laughed and laughed.
Perry often dreams. The first time he was flatout, making little whimpering sounds. I panicked that there wassomething wrong and woke him up. He was not impressed.Now I know he's OK, I let him carry on dreaming.

My dogs used to dream all the time. They wouldtwitch their legs and sort of like bark but it sounded more like like ahiccup :D. Aww it was so sweet.

I have never even seen the buns sleep, as soon as I go to them they shoot up.

I have a cat that snores ( a husband tooinfact but thatdoesn't count as an animal or does it? The sounds he makes in his sleepyou'd think he was.:sunshine:):sleep:


I rarely ever see the girls sleep and when theydo, it's for a short while. They sleep on each other, so when one moves(while sleeping), the other wakes up and then they're both awake.:disgust:
My cat (who by chance is asleep next to me)dreams. He will always move his feet and make little noises as hesleeps. Bless him. Only ever seen my bunnies sleep once but i bet theydream of burrows!! lol.

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