Angry at the School board.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
About two months ago I was put on homerest from my phyciatrist because I have severe SchoolPhobia. It took the school board 3 weeks to get some work and another week to get me a teacher. Now, I'm having to do some work in the Christmas holidays because of their incompetnace. Anyways, I was told by the Guidance councelor at school that I would receive my full credits. Now, for this term their saying i'm only getting the 3 (out of 4) because I had taken Phys'Ed. One other girl while I was there refused to do gym and they gave her written work so she wouldn't not receive her credit.

I asked if I could get written work instead. The guidance councellor said that at some point the girl actually did some movement. Well this isn't about her, I'm not in school and I cannot do the Phys'Ed and it's not my fault. They refuse to give me work. Heck, If i had to I would write an essay about everything they did, just give me my darn credit.

My doctor said I'll need that teacher again next Semester but the guidance councellor said that my condition isnt severe enough for me to get the teacher. That is none of her buisness weather or not it's severe, if the doctor said it is then it is.

The guidance councellor said that because it's not severe under her cicumstances she will not give me 4 credits but only 1.

I talked to the teacher and we noticed she's trying to trick me and tell me she wont give me my full 4 credits. And that if she scared me enough I would go back to school.

Urgh, people are so useless at dealing with mental health problems. I would suggest a, getting your psych to write a letter explaining all the things like you need a teacher next year, and b, getting your mum to take a stand. You shouldn't have to fight this battle, someone should be fighting for you. Will your teacher be able to fight for you?
You DO NOT need Phys Ed to graduate.

I was very ill during my highschool years and half way through grade 10 I couldn't attend regular school anymore. I wasn't able to do any gym classes and it was never a problem.

Why are you going through a guidance councellor? If your condition is backed up by a doctor you should have a meeting with the principal and/or talk to the school board. You need to setup a plan and dont' just rely on the teachers that things will happen. IF you arne't getting the treatment you think you deserve call the school board. They have to accomodate you. Thankfully my mom is a teacher so she knew all the ins and out of the school board. Who to contact, what they have to do to accomodate a sick student etc.

We finally, since my condition wasn't getting better,decided that I would change schools. I started going to a cyber school( homeschooling over the internet with teachers on call). Continueing at my old regualr school was just too hard. Regular schools aren't really setup for long term homeschooling of students.

So if your condition is validated by a doctor, the school baord has to accomodate you. Set up meetings with the prinicpal and discuss your options. But if your condition is chronic(as in you aren't going back to school for a semester or 2) then you might want to look into an actual homeschooling program or cyber school.

The principal needs to be involved. It is your RIGHT to have an education. Even if the guidance coucellor is supposed to be incharge, the prinicpal should be the one over seeing everything. If the councellor isn't doing their job that needs to be addressed.

Ask to meet with him again to discuss the guidance councellor and your situation. If he refuses, then you need to contact the school board. I'm sure once you mention getting the school board involved the principal will meet with you,lol.

Be ready to fight the whole way. Your mother or parents need to be involved. You need to know your rights and who to talk to. Its not an easy road trying to get them to help if you can't attend school.Regular schools aren't setup for long term homeschooling. If you had special needs but were able to attend school its a different story. Then there are lots of things they do for you. But because you can't attend its harder and they arne't setup for that. Thats why I eventually decided to go to the cyber school. They were designed for homeschooling and it was much easier to learn(plus they gave me a free computer:biggrin2:,lol).

my kids that are in high school have to have 2 or 3 years(i forget which) physical fittness(its called wellness ) to graduate... I would get your mom involved because if you have a doctors note they should have to give you something else to do in its place... I know I have to fight with our school all of the time (my daughter has dislexia and is suposed to have someone read her her test and it never happens(she passes but its really hard for her.... good luck

degrassi wrote:
You DO NOT need Phys Ed to graduate.
At the schools around here, you had to do Phy. Ed. no matter what. If you were not able to do the normal routines, you would have to do Yoga and stuff like that. You needed those credits to graduate. Only the wheelchair kids didn't have to have gym credits...
bat42072 wrote:
my kids that are in high school have to have 2 or 3 years(i forget which) physical fittness(its called wellness ) to graduate... I would get your mom involved because if you have a doctors note they should have to give you something else to do in its place... I know I have to fight with our school all of the time (my daughter has dislexia and is suposed to have someone read her her test and it never happens(she passes but its really hard for her.... good luck

You can actually get an exemption from having to complete the Phys Ed requirement. Here in Alberta we need to have 3 credits(one course) in PE to graduate but if you are unable to do the physical requirements then you can be exempt. I'm sure in Ontario it is similar. If they dont' have medical exemptions then they have to let you complete the credits through othe rmeans(projects, etc)

kherrmann3 wrote:
degrassi wrote:
You DO NOT need Phys Ed to graduate.
At the schools around here, you had to do Phy. Ed. no matter what. If you were not able to do the normal routines, you would have to do Yoga and stuff like that. You needed those credits to graduate. Only the wheelchair kids didn't have to have gym credits...

Thats exactly my point. The "wheelchair kids" didn't have to complete the PE credits. They get a medical exemption. So you do not need PE to graduate if you can't meet the physical requirements to complete the course.

For regular people, yes you need to complete PE to get ther credits. But its not like they can withhold your diploma for being medically unable to complete a course.

I asked my mom today about this, as I dont' remember much about it when it happened to me as my mom took care of everything and I was pretty sick. She said that the vice principal for your grade and the councellor should both be working with you. She also said there isn't much they will do for you as they aren't setup to work with long term homeschoolers(away for more then a few months). My mom went all the way up to the Super Intendant with my issues and still they couldn't do much for me. Thats why I had to change schools.

So good luck with your fight. I hope things improve and you can return to school soon. If you every want to chat about it shoot me a pm. :)
I'm in Ottawa too and got really sick in high school.. I got to take 2 courses at home with teachers the school hired to do home schooling (sounds like what you've got) because I could only handle 2 courses at that point. Anyway, before I was too sick to actually attend school, I got too sick to do gym and had a doctors note stating so, and I had to go for a resource period which was a room with teachers who helped you with other work if you needed it or you could just do your homework.. If your guidance councilor isn't doing isn't doing her job properly, you need to tell the principal that you've already been to see her and this is what she's saying. She's NOT a doctor, therefor, if you can get a note from your doctor (including a psychiatrist) she has no right or authority to tell you that you're wrong, because she's not a doctor. If she keeps pushing and your principal isn't doing their job either, you really do need to take it to the school board, because if you have a doctors note saying you can't do something, they can't take that credit away, they have to figure out another way for you to earn it. If you already have an exemption letter, then they can't say you're not getting the credit anymore.

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