angora's as pets

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
so i have been just thinking about what breedsof rabbits i would love to have as pets, and my thoughts came to theenglish angora. . .i would LOVE to own one (their face is soooo cutewith all the fur).

but how much care is there with all that wool? are they kept clipped? or groomed everyday?
Angora are fairly common as pets here, and fromthe people I've talked to they need a weekly thorough brushing but tokeep checking for knots during the week also, and to remember to checkunder the top layer of fur. A damp hand run over the coat a few times aweek help to remove loose fur. Clipping around the bottom might be agood idea too.

I nearly got an angora once but the seller decided to keep her :), she felt bad about selling her to begin with.
Amy (ayglnu13) has an english angora namedMerlin. She hasn't been on much lately, but there's some picsin her home thread. Here's the first page with him, keeplooking through for pics of him all shaved and looking like a lamb:

You could pm her and ask how much time she has to spend groominghim. I'm pretty sure it's way more than once a week, evenwith keeping his fur trimmed. They do need a lot of groomingand mats can be very painful. I saw this poor bunny at thecounty fair. He looked okay when he was standing up, but thenhe lay down and I saw his legs. Mats half the size of myfist, mats upon mats upon mats, all the way down his legs and on hisbelly. I can't believe they gave a neglected rabbit like thata blue ribbon!:X

Honestly I don't think an angora would be a good idea if you don't have the buns with you at college.
i will have to look on that tread

and don't worry, i wouldn't be getting an angora while at college. . .keeping up with my 2 right this minute are keeping me busy enough whenat home. . . i am just thinking about the future (in a few years) andsuch. . . it was more of a "i am curious to know" instead of "i amgetting information before i go get" type of thing. . .
I have 2.Nala and simba.Nala is a French as is(suppose to be)Simba.Nala needs hardly any brushing but SimbaUGH....his fur is like cotton candy.He never lost his "baby" coat???Idont know!I could brush and brush,etc.About every 3 days!!I even tookhim to the vet for a sort of made things worse as it grew.Ispend about a half hourw/ breaks for Simba and as I saidthat's every 3 or 4 days.HE hates to be brushed too.He never will getuse to it,I have had him for 5 yrs.He is tan/white but has bright blueeyes.I'm not completely sure he is French....his fur is the pits!
The people I know with angora rabbits pull thehair out (the loose hair that is, these ones seems to always bemolting) and spin it themselves so it's probably why they only getbrushed once a week.