And the night was going so well...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2008
Reaction score
, Tennessee, USA
[align=center]I got Bayou neutered a few weeks ago in an attempt to get him to stop eating everything, but it hasn't happened. He has stopped spraying though. :)

I have tried EVERYTHING to get him to stop pulling up the carpet. I wouldn't mind the destructiveness, I just don't need him getting sick from ingesting the fibers. Same with the cardboard. He doesn't chew it up, he's actually eating it, even with a basket of hay right beside him. :grumpy:

I clap and yell no, but now he just ignores me.

I spray water at him, he grooms himself, then continues pulling up the carpet.

I really don't want to banish him to the kitchen, but my dad is going to murder me if he doesn't stop.

And if he dies from ingesting carpet I'm going to burn this freaking house down. :twitch:

He has toys, food, and spends from sundown when I wake up until I go to bed at dawn.

When he does come to spend time with me on the bed, if I'm not petting him he goes to work remodeling my mattress, pillow cases, ect.

A friend of mine suggested that I just throw bacon bits all over my room and it's honestly getting to that point.


Is vinegar or lemon juice poisonous to rabbits?
[/align][align=center]I'm thinking about dousing the carpet.

I would not let him out time. I would also make a small area that he can go to outsude his cage while he's good, then slowly expand that area. Commend him for not doing out of his ltterpan and also for good behavior.;). Hopefully that helps a bit!:)
[align=center]I'm sad to report Bayou has been banished to the kitchen until I can figure out how to get him to stop eating things that could kill him.


Going to the pet store today to get more toys and a spray bottle.

Bumping again. He's back in my room but still destroying the carpet when I let him out. I bought some bitter apple spray and doused the carpet, but I can't tell if it's helped or not. He'll just go to another area and start chewing after I spray. :grumpy:

He didn't do this for the first few months I had him... Anyone think it's puberty?

It's driving me crazy! Has anyone had any luck at all getting their rabbit to stop ingesting the carpet?


I'm going to rip out my carpet and just grow grass. Problem solved. :surrender
We have one bunn that was like problem...bitter apple...who cares..!

He totally ignored us when we would give him heck for something...the one thing we found he didn't like was when we rattled a plastic jar with a couple pennies in it at him when he was bad...hehehe! He HATED that noise!It didn't scare him...just made him mad as all heck get out!It was the only thing that would get his attention!

We also started looking for things to distract him...if there was something he liked to chew we would put something more yummy in front of it....we bought a grapevineball about 1 foot in diameter and would put that wherever he chewed until he started to chew THAT instead...a basket of pinecones, applesticks, a paper bag(with holes poked in it)filled with hay, cranberries, oats, apple pumice treats for horses, apple sticks, dried currants, dried basil, parsley, lovage...loadsof yummies....after awhile he left off the carpet and baseboard and went straight to his toys! They tasted better!

Danielle the growing grass instead of carpet...

We do a spring show every year for OREO...and hubby and I make the toys etc...and our library ends up with about 6 inches of hay on the floor(literally!)...our rabbits are at their absolute happiest when this happens! They freak out and start popcorning and snuffling through the hay!

We had my step-mom and mother-in-law show up that hubby and I toldthem it was the newest thing in eco-friendly flooring!:biggrin2:


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