An update on the babies!!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Devon, , United Kingdom
Hello! :)

The babies have started to get black tips on their nose, ears and tail(like Russel). They are also getting different textures of fur, one hassmoother and longer fur while another has short andbushyfur. They have also begun to eat alot of Roxy's food and evendrink out her water bottle now!

It appears that Russel is aware that they belong to him as he followsthem around, protects them and grooms them. He really loves them!!! Iwill post you a pic of him with them soon! Does anyone know if fatherrabbits do actually know if their babies are their babies??

Leanne :):D:):D
yeah, they've been out of their nest for quite awhile now! They never had a nest box but just a compartment where thenest is. They still go in there to sleep but i havent cleaned it outyet - they are 2 and a half weeks old.

I forgot to add in that i have possibly sold 2 of them to friends whichpleases me as i can see them whenever i want! and i may possibly keepthe third. One friend wants the largest of the 3 and we have aninstinct it is a boy, so if it is, she wants to call it Sebastian whichsuits him if you see him in real life. My other friend wants the chubbyone and has no name yet. And the smallest one, which is most peoplesfavourite even though it hasn't been sold - i have nicknamed nipper forthe time being as it nipped me the other day - lol.

Leanne :):D:):D

sry i have not gotten pic yet. Its just i dont have a digitalcamera and my dad has to bring it home from work! My babybunnies are 3 weeks and 1 day today!! and they still have not come outof the box! Its suprising me becuase when i wallk out to see them theypeek out and come to the edge of the box! Do you think thatthe babies think they cant come out because the box is prettytall.But not tall enough that they cantcome out!

Hi, i am really not sure as i didnt have a nestbox but i would say they need to get out of the nest box now. You couldjust get them out and let them run around the cage and see how theyreact - mine love it and spend alot of their time cuddled up next totheir mum now. leanne :)
lol!! i will try to post some later pics tonight- i know i keep saying thatbut my camera keeps playing up - iwill try really hard though!!!!! I know pictures arent quite as good asthe real darlings themselves but thats the best i cando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leanne :):D:):D
LMAO @ mambo, cause I know who you are "quoting" lol!

Oh I want to see those photos!

*sorry I made a mistake in my post.
