An Ode To Hay

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hay! Hay!

Get a big bunny bale

For a smooth moving gut

And a clean little tail

As a testimonial to another thread on this board, the bestinvestment I've ever made supply-wise for the bunniesistaking Aurora/Dawn up on her offer of splitting one of those HUGE balesof hay. :)

I've been using it for bedding, to supplement the litter, forplay boxes and for dinner, and I've never had happier or healthierbunnies!! The best $10 I've every spent!

(I also owe Dawn big time for bringing me Dill, the mostawesome bunny on the planet -- next to Pipp of course, who's here on mylap reading this :whistling )


Meanwhile, I'm about toscratch that little FOSTERbun Sherry'seyes out, I'm SO JEALOUS!!!


sas :?, pipp:bunnydance:, dill :bunnyheart, darry and radar:toastingbunsand sherry :bunnybutt:the FOSTERBUNNY!!!!

Aww, doesn't Dill look happy with his new girlfriend? Don't worry SAS, I'm sure he still loves you!

I'd love to find decent hay that cheap. Maybe when summerrolls around and there's fresh stuff available. Oxbow ismaking a fortune off of me!
Here's the Hay that went to SAS (about half the bale...):



The whole bale was 90lb and I could only get about half of it into myhay bin. So I had to wrap the rest up in a sheet and keep itin my laundry room until I could get it out to SAS.

Fresh farm hay has to be the best thing ever!! It's fresh andgreen, and my buns gobble it up almost as fast as I put it in the cage!

naturestee wrote:
Oxbow is making a fortune off of me!
Yup. Me too! I've been paying $10 for a baggie of hay that sometimesisn't the best quality... but the buns still eat it, so being thedevoted slave I am, I do it.

Greta and the Bun Boys

:bow :bunny19
Argh! It's the opposite for me, hay is super cheap in New Zealand (about $5 a bale) but my buns refuse to eat any kind of hay.
Greta, have you ever thought of ordering inbulk? It costs a lot less per pound if you buy the 25 lb or50 lb boxes.:) I haven't had any problem with the boxes,probably because they don't get knocked around or crushed asmuch. It's still really expensive compared to farmer hay,though.
oh man! petey would be in bunnyheaven:happybunny: if he had that! he loves his hay! i fill his hayback up at least twice a day, morning and night! he gobbles it up fast!peapoo on the other hand takes a few days to finish hers:)
I was getting sick and tired of paying 7 dollarsfor a bag of hay that only lasted me a week. I was looking into buyinga bale of hay but I found this feed store that had hay in bags (mucheasier and less dust because my mom has hay fever) for twice the sizeas pet stores at $2.99 for timothy and blue grass and $3.99 for alfalfa(for pebbles). Just a question, is blue grass hay good for them? (likelow protien, high fiber ect ect?) because it smells sweeter and Pepsiloves it! I'm almost done the bluegrass bag, and working on the timothybag! I bought four big bags of hay so that should last me awhile.. andit only cost me $14! Hay from petstores is the hugest highway robbery..

Pebbles goes nuts for hay. I put a few handfulls at night,one of her alfalfa and two large handfulls of timothy and put them inher bowl, literbox, and ontop of her little "house box" inside of hercage and it's almost always all gone in the morning! Her poop is largetoo, so I'm taking that as a good sign! :)
i buy the bunnies oaten hay by bale from a horsestable feed and grain,which costs me $9.00 for a huge bale which i buya month.Even after i bring it home and drag it around the back,thebunnies are hopping on top of it even before i get to store it,there isnothing like the fresh smell of yummy oaten hay:)

This thread makes me hungryfor a bowlof hay with sugar and milk (like shredded wheat)..I love the smell offresh hay wish that i had the teeth to chew it :D
I know doesn't it? It smells so clean (to me).There was this one time I bought hay in the summer and it almost smeltlike green tea! I was sniffing it then I got sort of stuffed up lol.
:jumpforjoy: Guess what? I just spent a whopping $8.75 on 80 lbs of farm fresh hay! One 40 lb bale of mixed grass hay, and the farmer was kind enough to hand-pick one with the least alfalfa in it for me, and one 40 lb bale of timothy.

You have no idea how many people I had to call. Feed mills, horse stables, if they had hay then it was pure alfalfa or mixed grass with lots of alfalfa in it. This guy was really nice and apparently has other rabbit-owning customers too. I told him how much I've been paying for Oxbow hay (50 lbs for $50), and he actually trumped me. One of his other customers used to pay $20 for 10 lbs of hay online!:shock: I can't even imagine.

I hope the buns like it. I gave them a little but they're more sleepy than hungry right now. If not, well at least it was cheaper then a bale of Oxbow. And Fey and Sprite aren't eating the latest box of Oxbow timothy right now anyway.:rollseyes:

So, I still have most of the latest box of Oxbow hay (50 lbs). That makes nearly 130 lbs of hay. Maybe I should get another rabbit to help eat it all?

You can get a whole new warren!!

It really is fun having a ton of hay --- hay boxes for digging, hay in the litter trays, hay in the carrier, hay all over the floors, hay in the rug... :ponder:

I'm just trying to put together another run as we speak. (Type?)

sas :)and the hay buns :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I'm just wondering if anyone else here is allergic to hay? I have to go get a big bale this weekend, but my mom gets really sneezie and conjested if there's hay around. I'm wondering how I could store it?
I'm allergic to hay. I usually start sneezing when I clean the bunny cages. Dusty hay is the worst!

I keep my bales in the garage. The Oxbow hay is kept in the box, and I'm working on something to put the bales in. I bring in a shopping bag full at a time and keep it in a closed closet in the bunny room. If you are getting full bales, these are pretty neat:
Oh those are awesome! The only probablem with the hay is that my garage gets very humid and hot in the summer. My brothers is also always playing with his car, so I wouldn't want the fumes from his exhaust contaminating the hay. I have lots of old hay bags, so I'm sure I could split it in my backyard, then put them in the old petstore hay bags. I have probably like 10-15 bags.
I was keeping my stored hay in green garbage bags with holes poked in them until I needed them.

For SARSBC (small animal rescue), we're looking at reselling hay as a fundraiser and using big plastic storage bins with lids. People leave a deposit for the bins, thedelivery or pick-up person leaves a new bin and takes the old one. I also asked about potato sacks, we're looking into that one. :)


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