How many people on this forumhave done these things. 1.Sifted through rabbit litter with your handslooking for poop that is not there .2. Thought that you saw poop in thebox ,went across the room only to discover it was a shadow on thelitterbox. 3. Got up several times during the night to go through thelitterbox. 4. Left the house for 4 hours returning with fear in yourgut in addition to anticipation and dread as you approached thelitterbox. 5. (this one is extreme) taken a poop apart to see if youcould see hair or clothe or anything in it. I did that when Babette waseating Carefresh and I didn't know why she could be having stasis. 6.Watched your rabbit sitting in the litterbox hoping that when she jumpsoff their will be poop underneath (like an egg under a hen)7. Not beenable to leave the house because you can't stand not watching the box. 8Feeling like a 1000 lbs. wt. has been taken off you when the poopsstart coming....but also a little bit of fear that they won't continue.Can everyone add to this as it is so much fun to be able to talk aboutthe significance of poop with people that understand itsvalue:elephant::elephant::elephant: