Does anyone here breed AmericanChinchilla Rabbit and/or anyone who can tell me a bit about them particularly their dispositions . I believe the males are about 9-11 lbs as adults right/ and the females larger?
Its hard to tell. The person you got them from should have told you. Its too bad you aren't going to breed and show them. They look nice, and they are extremely rare. How old are they? There is a demnad for stock right now because these breeds are so hard to find in a lot of areas.I was at a rabbit show on Sat and ran into a breeder that had 3 chinchilla kits (8weeks) ; she was not interested in breeding chins any longer and suggested to my friend and I had that they would not have a future.
Both of us are into rescuing; she took the female as a pet and I took the 2 males intending to takethe males to my humane society where I work with the rabbits and other small animals.
They are so cute I am trying to figure out howI could keep them
I do not know if they are standard or American . I took pics of them and the pics actually make them look larger than they are.
Can you tell by these pics if they will be standard. they have very long ears .