Almost lost my finger yesterday

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Ashtin - Member
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
So, something really stupid happened yesterday at work which caused me to almost break my finger. I'm not really sure what's wrong with it now, maybe some minor ligament damage, I don't really want to go to the doctor for it yet, I'll go if it's not better in a few days. Yesterday it was swollen and a little cut up. It's very purple today and hurts like heck to move, but only a certain way. (Typing hurts, playing guitar doesn't. :?)

I was going to post a picture of what it did to my ring, but for some reason it's not working, so I'll try again in a reply...
Well, it's really, really stupid. I grabbed onto a pole and was swinging to turn around to go back to my register with it. Said pole has a 4 ft tall sheet of metal wrapped from the base and my ring got caught on it. If I had kept moving I don't even know what would have happened to my poor finger. (Or my musical abilities...)


Here's the ring. :( Yes, it used to be one solid piece of metal. Yes, it did break. Yes, my finger is cut up. I guess I'm glad my finger was stronger than the two pieces of metal trying to take it off. Yay, milk!
When we had our equine handling lab we talked a lot about the dangers of jewelry. We have to have a watch with a second hand to do pulse and respiration rates, but when working with large animals we have to take the watch off as soon as we're done and we can't wear bracelets, rings, dangly earrings or loose necklaces. They shared plenty of horror stories about people losing fingers with us.
Ouch. Well I'm glad you're fingers in one piece! Don't worry I do stupid things too. (Sprained both ankles at once while stepping off a curb...) Hope your finger feels better!
I did ice it, I didn't take an anti-inflammatory but it's a good idea... I'm just glad I didn't hurt a more important finger, like my thumb or first finger or something. It was just my ring finger, so if I DID lose it, it wouldn't be too terrible... I'd still have 9 fingers for piano and I could learn to play my stringed instruments left-handed. And I don't even need that finger for accordion.
If it's a ring you care about, you can get it soldered back together. I know this from experience...did the same thing a few years back. You can split your own finger pretty easily...that's all they'd do for it anyway.
Yeah, that's true. And with my next paycheck I'll probably get it fixed, Boyfriend got it for me so it's pretty special. I wish I would stop needing to spend money, my cousin is selling me his bass guitar...
If you did it at work then you should be able to claim it with workers comp and get you finger looked at. Call you HR or talk to your supervisor and find out.
Ouch! I'm glad the ring broke and there wasn't more damage to you but it sounds bad enough. When I worked at a manufacturing plant there were all sorts of warnings about jewlry, hair, dangly cothes, etc because they had accidents through the years. Everyone on the floor had to wear a jump suit and nothing else was permitted (not to say stupid people didn't get caught wearing things though).

Luckily I was in the office so I could still wear my wedding ring and own clothes. I always take them off before working around the house just in case.
My first engagement, I wouldn't wear my ring at all. It stuck up too far (a chip on an annoyingly tall "platform"), and when I was out with my horse and goats, the ring would catch on everything, including the horse's face!

This engagement, Mike made a chainmail ring for me, but since it was aluminum for my safety, a loose thread on one of my shirt literally broke my ring! >_> darned thing!

I hope you didn't do too much damage to your finger, you never realize how much you use one till it doesn't work anymore. We're wishing you a speedy recovery, and no future accidents!
I had a finger injury at work this week as well. =P Crushed it with an a frame sign. I hope yours is ok. Did you end up seeing a doctor for it?
I didn't see a doctor for it, day 3 now and I can move it alright, again, it's just pretty bruised up. I don't think it needs medical attention.

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