Almost lost her

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
Oak Park, Michigan, USA
So when we decided to get Downy fixed we checkedwith the House rabbit society and they recomended a doctor but she wasonly doing emergency work so she recomended another place, and that iswhere we took our baby last wed. the 28th. BIG FAT HUGE mistake. Wetook her in at 9 am and they told us at 2 we could pick her up at 5.They sent home NO pain meds. By 9:30 pm she had not eaten or drank orgone potty, so we rushed her to emergency where they told us she hadZERO guts sounds and that he was not happy with no pain meds at home.So she got a pain injection, an anti inflamatory injection, subcutanious fluids and critical care diet along with pain meds and antiinflamatory meds at home. So Krista and I took turns feeding her everyfour hours and staying up with her 24 hours a day until yesterday whenwe took her to the vet that takes care of our dog who has a bunnydoctor. Dr. Kelly said she has great gut sounds but we told her shestill is only eating the critical care so she gave us some suggestionsand got a full disclosure report from Warren Woods the vet that did hersurgey, it seems that before the surgey they gave my little baby theweakest pain med in the smallest amount and that was the end of that.Nothing after the surgery and they gave her NO fluids after surgery.Dr. Kelly believes that because she was in such major pain and shockfrom the pain her recovery has been seriously hindered. I want to besick, my poor baby has hurt so bad and I feel like it is my faultbecause I took her to that place. I wanted somone who specialized inBunnies, rather then my own doc who just knew bunnies. According toboth the ER doc and doctor Kelly we were lucky we did not lose her, sofair warning to anyone in the Warren Micigan area, DO NOT GO TO WARRENWOODS. I have sent E mails to both the house rabbit society and theMichigan Rabbit rescue.
Prayers that our baby will make a full recovery are more then welcome from all.
Thanks for listening.
Oh, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Poor Downey! Bless her heart.

Praying for a full recovery for your little girl,

it makes me feel sick to even think about any of my pets in pain. cause they cant tell you very easily.

whats upsetting is that if it happened to a human the company would besued but no one takes any notice cause its just a rabbit!!!!!:mad:

sorry bout that!

hehe hope everythings good now!

Cait and Elmo x
Downy is doing so much better today. The vet hadrecomended a blend of Activa yogurt and timothy hay pellets to kickstart her appetite and it seems to have worked. She still won't do toomuch water on her own so I am still syringing that in, but a little ata time as long as we get there sooner or later and I don't lose her.
Thanks for all the kind words I think she heard you.
that is horrible, I can't believe that idiot,sterilizing any female animal is going to painful so of course they'llneed good pain management, where did he get is vet degree of it the net!