Almost 29 years....and counting

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I'm really wiped out - so I'll probably come back to this thread later and share the thoughts I've been pondering....but I just had to share a few things now.

Tomorrow is my 29th wedding anniversary. I'm still in shock that we've made it this far. At 18 and 20 we thought we knew it all when we got married - that we could beat the odds (we come from extremely different backgrounds). And so far? We mostly have.

He's a computer geek -I'm not. He is a neatnik at heart - I'm a slob. He can be organized (if the neatnik gene is working) - me? Ha ha ha.

Someonce who didn't like him once said they'd bet a month's paycheck that we wouldn't make it 3 years. We never did see them pay up on that bet. To be honest with you - we wanted to get divorced before the 3 years was up - but we were bound and determined to prove that person wrong. Why? Partly because it was my mom - and she hated Art. (She now adores him and when he invited her to come live with us - she burst into tears about they way she felt about him during the early years of our marriage).

At times - I hate my husband. There are times of the year when it is like an alien invades his body. If I look at him wrong - say the wrong thing - sigh too loud - or whatever - he's ready for a fight. For some reason - that always happens during the late summer/early fall. By October - the alien goes back home - and the man I know and love is back in place. We've seen this happen over and over again for about 15 years now - we pinpointed it 12 years ago. Some years are not so bad - others are horrid.

At other times - I love my husband. He can make me laugh like no one else can. He commented recently about someone who was having a situation with someone else and he said, "Tell them to tell that person to call '1-800-GET-A-LIFE'" and then he started naming off different extensions they could ask for - like "You're a jack*ss" and "They're over you"...etc.

Its funny - sometimes I regret marrying him - because he is the only guy I ever kissed, dated or .... know. I never "knew" anyone else - never dated anyone else.

But now - as I think about my 29th anniversary coming up...I am encouraged and reminded...

There is someone in my life who has CHOSEN to love me - and stay with me all these years. It has been his choice - even when I was horrid to live with.

I guess it gives me hope - for myself - for the whole idea of marriage - when I think about this.

By the way - as I close this - I have to share what he did the other day - it brought tears to my eyes.

I made spaghetti and was letting it set a bit for the sauce to soak into the noodles. I was going to go out and serve supper but come back into my computer to finish what I was doing. I hear a bump at the door -then more bumps. I think it is the dog scratching herself at the door. Then I hear his voice.

I open the door and there he stands....a plate of spaghetti (w/ garlic toast he made to surprise me) - and a candle in a jar (which was getting pretty darn hot) - and a vase with some silk roses I have....ready to set at my computer desk so I could eat and feel a bit "spoiled".

Yeah - I think in spite of the alien that shares his body at times - he's a keeper...

Awwh - Glad you did prove her wrong you too even though your entirly different you 2 sound great for each other!

[align=center]"It must be love, love , love dum dum - It must be love, love, love[/align]
[align=center]Nothing more, nothing less[/align]
[align=center]love is the best"[/align]
[align=center]:big kiss:[/align]
Peg, I wish my sister was here, I'd show her your post. She's a diehard skeptic when it comes to romance, and I've been trying to tell her for years that yes...real romance does exist. You guys are a living testament to this. :love:

Wishing you both the happiest anniversary tomorrow, and am raising my glass to toast another 29...and another...:pink iris:


Congratulations, Peg and Art!:pinkbouce::bunnydance::party:

You have set an example for us younger folks. That we can do it too.

Have a blessed anniversary, you both deserve it!
Peg...we started out under very similar circumstances....and we'll celebrate our 25th in February.....isn't it amazing when you realize that he did choose you, and has chosen to stay! I am in awe of that fact so often with my dh.

Congratulations and best wishes to you and Art as you celebrate today....may you have many more years of happiness and love!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It was a quiet day....we didn't really do much to celebrate - we did go to Subway last night about 9 pm and get subs and eat there.

Sometimes for us the celebration is just....being together. Not having to do anything - just feeling the presence of the other person. Its hard to explain.

I thought I'd share a couple of things I meant to share when I first started this thread...and those are some lessons I've learned from our marriage that work well for me.

I've learned I'm not responsible for Art's words or actions - but I am responsible for mine. He can say things that hurt me - but I can choose - if I shut up an think - whether to respond unkindly (out of hurt) or whether to respond in kindness.

I find that the attacks that hurt me the worst - are when he is already hurting about something - or when he's defending himself. If I can remind myself that this isn't what he's normally like....then it is easier to try to respond without anger or pointing any fingers. Usually if I can do this - he'll calm down and we can talk.

I also learned that Art isn't responsible for my happiness in the marriage - I am. Sure - at times it can feel miserable if he's grumpy or if things are tough. But I have to be the one to work on making things better....'cause usually if I start it - he winds up trying to make things better too. And to be honest - sometimes he starts trying to make things better first!

A few years ago - we decided to throw the words "divorce" and "separate" out of our vocabulary. We joke about how "divorce is not an option - but murder is...". But the fact is - we know that if we throw those word around in an argument...someone gets hurt - or someday - in a fit of hurt or anger- one of us might say "fine" and act on that and then be too proud to come back. So those words no longer are allowed to be used. We don't even try to imply them. We might say, "I need some time" and back away for a bit to cool down. But those words are considered "unfair fighting" in this house. I think that is part of why we're still together.

The final lesson I've learned is that love is a choice. Its one you make on a daily and moment by moment basis. It isn't feeling and you don't "follow your heart". Instead - you lead your heart - based out of your character - to make choices to show love to another person. Art has taught me that lesson by his actions. One of the times we were having a rough time - and he did something and I was in shock and he later told me, 'I decide to do something nice even though I didn't feel loving.' I forget now what the action was that he did - but his choice to do it - literally - turned our marriage around.

As I think I said above - we go through our "bad cycles". We might have 6 -9 months of really getting along well - being happy in our marriage - then we might have a horrid couple of weeks or month - and then we go back to the good cycle. Since we know this about our marriage- we've just agreed that when the bad cycles come - we're gonna hold on and wait it out...till we're back to a good cycle.

Once again - these are lessons I've learned for me. I've shared them with others and they helped - but not every marriage is like ours. For instance - I wouldn't advise someone in an abusive marriage to stay in it.

Thanks again for the well wishes.....
TinysMom wrote:
Sometimes for us the celebration is just....being together. Not having to do anything - just feeling the presence of the other person. Its hard to explain.

I know what you mean. Relaxing and just being together alone with Rob is just. Like you said can't find words. It is just right.

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