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Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
allendale, New Jersey, USA
im allegic to cats and guinea pigs and may be torabbits. i really want one but dont want to get one if im allegic toit. is anyone allergic to any other animals and not allegic to cats?are some rabbits worse than others with allergies? anythingabout this would help
You should avoid any kind of guessing game andget medically tested. Last thing you want is to get a rabbit, discoveryou have bad allergies, and have to rehome it. It's not fun or you andeven less for the rabbit.
I've found the big allergy problem in my houseis not to the bunny, but to the hay. I'm extremely allergicto cats--they set off my asthma and I become a walking allergicmess. I don't have any problems with being allergic to mybunny though.

I agree with finding out your allergies first--when I was a kid, weadopted a cat (before we knew what they did to me) and it was the mostheartbreaking thing to give her away.
I'm confused. You said in your other thread:

i have a guinea pig right now. im not planning on keeping a rabbit andmy guinea pig in the same cage but i was wondering if it is ok if i letthem hang out sometimes together. i hear it said both ways. some sayits bad some say its good

I strongly suggest getting allergy tested first, like theothers have said. If you are alreadt allergic to the guinea pig, don'tadd a rabbit to the mix. It's going to be bad for you and bad for therabbit.

I agree to take an allergy testfirst. When I was small I was allergic to pretty much anyanimal that wasn't bald. I got shots for my allergies and nowI don't have any symptoms. That's just me,though. I also want to add that I have never had a fullblown attack before; I would just get itchy, sneezes, runny nose andeyes. I don't know how you react and don't want toencourage you in an way to get a rabbit before you gettested. I think that you should take anithistaminesbefore coming in contact with them if you're allergic (it will help todecrease symptoms). If you have allergies to your guinea pigthen you might want to get a HEPA air purifier to help.
I'm allergic to the hay, which is something thatrabbits need access to 24-7. We have to keep it well away from me.However, that sort of allergy isn't as bad as being allergic to ananimals, as we can control the hay.

Like everyone said, I'd get tested first. It'd be horrible if you got arabbit, found out you were allergic, then had to rehome it.
I've recently developed an allergy to either thebuns, the hay or coincidentially simply something in the air.I got an air purifier with the HEPA filters. For the last twoweeks or so I have actually gotten full nights of sleep with nosneezing/coughing fits! YEAH!

But I do agree with everyone. Go to an allergist and get a skin test.
I'm highly allergic to hay as well, and I wearone of those surgical mask things over my nose when I feed my rabbit(nerdy, I know, but it works).
Nose_twitch, I don't think that's nerdy.I think that is one dedicated bunny slave. I know with my bronchitisbeing as bad as it is I've been having to wear one of the masks when Iam brushing this bunch. The masks really do help.


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