All the signs of gut slowdown.... Do I start Metoclopramide?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
My megacolon bun, Zoe, has been producing smaller/less fecals as of this past Friday. I've been syringing her extra water and gave her sub-Q's on 7/1 and today. I'm fairly certain her vet's office will be closed tomorrow for the July 4th holiday; I'm in a quandary.

Due to the nature of Zoe's life-long stasis issues--she turns 4 in mid-July--sub-Q's alone don't solve the problem. If I wait much longer to give Metoclopramide, her stomach may not even be able to absorb it, due to food build-up. Heck, she may not really benefit from it even at this point. :(

On the other hand, she just had a short course of Metoclopramide, which I tapered off and ended on June 30th. I know it isn't good to boomerang a bun on/off motility drugs; yet I wonder if she should go back on Metoclopramide until she can see the vet?

Tonight, I found rock-hard fecals--and a decreased amount of them--in her box. I suspect she'll require an antibiotic, as well, since a gut-flora imbalance may be behind this particular gut slowdown. I am giving her Pro Bi in the meantime, but, again, fluids and pre-/probiotics aren't a cure-all for a megacolon bun. (I wish they were.)

Should I consider starting Metoclopramide again, at least by tomorrow morning if I'm still disappointed by what I find in her litter box from the overnight period?

Thank you,

Jenk wrote:
My megacolon bun, Zoe, has been producing smaller/less fecals as of this past Friday. I've been syringing her extra water and gave her sub-Q's on 7/1 and today. I'm fairly certain her vet's office will be closed tomorrow for the July 4th holiday; I'm in a quandary.

Due to the nature of Zoe's life-long stasis issues--she turns 4 in mid-July--sub-Q's alone don't solve the problem. If I wait much longer to give Metoclopramide, her stomach may not even be able to absorb it, due to food build-up. Heck, she may not really benefit from it even at this point. :(

On the other hand, she just had a short course of Metoclopramide, which I tapered off and ended on June 30th. I know it isn't good to boomerang a bun on/off motility drugs; yet I wonder if she should go back on Metoclopramide until she can see the vet?

Tonight, I found rock-hard fecals--and a decreased amount of them--in her box. I suspect she'll require an antibiotic, as well, since a gut-flora imbalance may be behind this particular gut slowdown. I am giving her Pro Bi in the meantime, but, again, fluids and pre-/probiotics aren't a cure-all for a megacolon bun. (I wish they were.)

Should I consider starting Metoclopramide again, at least by tomorrow morning if I'm still disappointed by what I find in her litter box from the overnight period?

Thank you,

hi-jenk,,this appears to be an ongoing issue.??-the mystery,s of rabbit poop at http://www.medirabbit .com --has very good info on this subject.definitely increase water and grasses consumption//do you feel a hard tummy??-if so this has to be broken upslowly --ie.subq,water.--high fiber diet-80%//--has there been a medical issue or underlying problem??--smaller poops is one thing,,no poops is a problem//-do you have on hand any medications.??-probios should help with non sweetened juices-ie apple,pineapple,etc.--bunny problems always seem to be right around the corner--reglyn may not be the answer--i know randy has something to say now..??--i will keep my eye on this post..sincerely james waller--heart attack survivor-3-28-11:innocent:pray::big wink: