AHHH! Housework.... boring!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
My Mum went on holiday 2 days ago, I decided I'd tidy up over the next few weeks, as I don't mind leaving in that chaos during when you are trying to tidy everything up, plus I can use her bedroom as dumping ground...

Today I hoovered everywhere, scrubbed the kitchen floors etc, I started tidying the living room over, and I was going to just do a general all round tidy but got drawn to our 'messy corner'. Its down kinda behind the sofa, its mainly hidden, and so it has become 'place to shove stuff that doesn't have a place'. I spent the last 2 hours organising it all, and I'm only half way through, I got bored!

So now I'm on here having a break. I need to walk to the supermarket soon to buy myself some food.

I have a list of to-do jobs, involving clearing the under stairs cupboard and putting everything in the shed, cleaning the kitchen completely (we haven't done a proper clean in a while) clean the kitchen, tidy my Mum's desk, put stuff in the loft...

Am I ever going to do it? I have Tuesday off school but I'm working tomorrow and don't know if I'm ever going to finish. Its just so boring isn't it?

So is anyone else feeling they should declutter?

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Whenever I tidy my room I can't just "tidy" it I have to do it properly I have to clear out everywhere and move the furniture! So it usually takes me a whole day! I just put on the music and I get on with it!

Good Luck Fran :D
Ohhhhh yes (in style of Churchill dog!)....

Since I've had the flu this week, our already cluttered house has got worse and worse steadily.... last night I found that the remote control wasn't working properly due to the amount of post, papers and magazines stacked on the coffee table being in the way! :shock: My mum came round and helped me with loads the other day but it's just the clutter everywhere else that's getting to me. Steve just refuses to acknowledge it's a problem. Then again you should see the state of his office :grumpy: I'd take pictures, but I'm really just too ashamed to show anyone lol!

I was just completely embarrassed as well- our landlady turned up, asking if we'd managed to sort out the big wasp's nest in our loft (Steve had forgotten to call her that the council had been round to sort it out and a bill was on it's way to her, grrr) and I'm dressed in jogging bottoms and a top with holes in, complete messy hair and shivering, our hallway is in dire need of sweeping, and there's empty packaging all over the place waiting to go outside! I had to do that sort of holding the door only wide enough that she could see my head, and I'm sure I came across as soooo rude.... :?

I hate housework too! :pullhair:

Good luck! Your mum will be well pleased to come home to everything all nice and tidy!:)
How would you like a trip to the US, lol? You can come do my house when you're done there! In fact, you could do a US tour decluttering all the RO members homes.

It sounds like you are doing a thorough job. Your mom isn't going to recognize the place when she returns from her holiday. She'll think she walked into the wrong house!
She annoys me when she is here actually. I'm going to attempt to declutter a bit, I threw away some of her stuff when cleaning the living room, only like pens, old lipsticks, odd earrings, but she won't get rid of anything! I doubt she will miss anything I chucked though!

She complains that the house is messy but she won't get rid of anything! Why do we need 4 books on how to make your own mosaics? This isn't Ancient Greece. And since when have mosaics been in fashion? And since when did she have any time to make a mosaic!?

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pinksalamander wrote:
Why do we need 4 books on how to make your own mosaics? This isn't Ancient Greece. And since when have mosaics been in fashion? And since when did she have any time to make a mosaic!?

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