Well-Known Member
Her Royal Majesty, Queen Tank, hereby issues thefollowing decree: That no person or persons shall be permitted to visitthe queen's babies until HRH has received her full daily allotment offood, water, and treats. The previous decree, which permitted a 5minute visit before HRH must be attended, has been superseded. The newdecree will be enforced by nipping, nudging, and cage banging asnecessary.
Aside from the new law of the land, the royal babies are doing great this morning aaaannnnd.....opened their eyes!!!!
The tiny ones are growing fast and catching up, but are still a fewdays behind and will probably not open their eyes for a day or two yet.But the larger babies are squinting at me and protesting at the suddensunlight invasion.
All are learning to scratch themselves, but have no quite mastered ityet. Heads tilted to one side, they cheerfully kick away at thin air,totally missing the intended ear. Once one starts doing it, itsimmediate neighbors catch the enthusiasm and begin doing the samething. They also can lick themselves and each other, although they donot seem to have a clear concept of WHO they are licking. It is commonto see them sucking on each other and their own little paws.
There is no cuter sight than a very fat baby sleeping upsidedown with mouth slightly open and long legs stretched straight up intothe air--until an annoying sibling lands on the fat belly, forcingsleepyhead to roll over to avoid a sharp foot in the belly.
The other bunnies, especially Pandemonium, are insanely jealous.Pandemonium has taught Tank the trick of cage banging, since they areneighbors. Although Miss Insanity is the past master of this art, Tankis learning fast.
All's well at the bunny house!
Aside from the new law of the land, the royal babies are doing great this morning aaaannnnd.....opened their eyes!!!!
The tiny ones are growing fast and catching up, but are still a fewdays behind and will probably not open their eyes for a day or two yet.But the larger babies are squinting at me and protesting at the suddensunlight invasion.
All are learning to scratch themselves, but have no quite mastered ityet. Heads tilted to one side, they cheerfully kick away at thin air,totally missing the intended ear. Once one starts doing it, itsimmediate neighbors catch the enthusiasm and begin doing the samething. They also can lick themselves and each other, although they donot seem to have a clear concept of WHO they are licking. It is commonto see them sucking on each other and their own little paws.
There is no cuter sight than a very fat baby sleeping upsidedown with mouth slightly open and long legs stretched straight up intothe air--until an annoying sibling lands on the fat belly, forcingsleepyhead to roll over to avoid a sharp foot in the belly.
The other bunnies, especially Pandemonium, are insanely jealous.Pandemonium has taught Tank the trick of cage banging, since they areneighbors. Although Miss Insanity is the past master of this art, Tankis learning fast.
All's well at the bunny house!