AH! Broken Foot!?!?!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Gaylord, Michigan, USA
One of my kits has a broken foot. It was fine yesterdaywhen I took them out with mama to play because they are a lot more curious and active now that they have open eyes and I just took them outtodayand she walks on it bent. They hop out of the box somethimes now so that could be it or maybe mama smooshed her on accident after she feed them or something. Can I try to do anything about it?!?! Help! :cry1:
I think that you should take the baby to the vet. I am not sure that any type of splint can be placed on such a young rabbit but if the vet is rabbit knowledgeable he should be able to help the baby with pain that he must be experiencing.
I'm so sorry that this happened :(

Iam going to move this to the rabbitry hoping that someone who has had a similar experience can help you more....
Ok. :( Thanks. The vet is closed now...so maybe I can call tomorrow... not sure if they have any rabbit knowlegeable people there though....hhhmmmmm....we'll see.
Any updates yet? I would bet the baby got it's foot caught in the wire, I have seen that happen with young ones of mine before.
Sorry, I don't have any updates yet. I am in 10th grade so I am actually at school...lol So I have to get my mom to agree to take me to the vet and pay for it...so...I will update you guys if I can do that. :-/
If you can't get it to a vet, I would confine the baby to a VERY small area, just enough room to reach food and water. Bring her back to the mother twice a day if she is still nursing. Let her nurse and remove her, don't let her kick or use the foot. Try and set the foot straight when you put her down.

You will really need a small animal vet to fix it. It should be X-rayed to make sure the bones are straight. Very difficult to slint or cast a foot, but it will heal as long as the bones are aligned, and the bunny is kept confined so it can not move around. It takes about 14 -21 days for baby bones to heal. And it should not be put back with siblings after it does heal, it shouldn't be allowed to run or jump for another 2 weeks.
I have had this happen to me with one of my nethies. Basically at that age they are to small for the vet to treat the best thing you can do is just keep them in hutch and keep movement down to a minimum. You need to do this for 2-3 weeks. Mine was still pretty actice in the hutch though.

The one that I had fixed fine and you would never have known she had broken it when she was younger :)
Some time back a friend had a 3 week old flemish kit that broke its foot. I gave her the advice others have suggested above, and with time the foot healed. It did fuse, and the rabbit did walk a bit funny, but it ended up as someones pet, and reached about 16lbs. It did just fine. Seems the younger the bunny the better it heals. I had a Flemish Jr about 10 weeks old break its foot when my rabbitry roof collapsed in a snow storm, and sadly it was not savable.
Well. I want to keep the kit anyway. It's such a sweetie. :) She really just stays in the nest box from what I have seen. They are still wobblers, she is barely 3 weeks old now. I can't keep it straight... everytime she goes to walk, she automatically folds it under...I think it will heal over that way. :( I don't think there is anything I can really do. Confining her to a tiny cage would seem like tourture and like I said, she automatically folds it to move anywhere. poo....
If you don't confine her, it may heal very crooked so that she can't walk properly for the rest of her life. It will also be more painful for her to move around a big cage, a small one will restrict her movements and therefore lessen her pain.It's not torture to do what will help, after all would you rather be uncomfortable for a few weeks or your whole life?
keep us updated on how it comes along. I've taken a popsiscle stick and gauze and wrapped a babies foot before(holland baby) and just kept cleaning the bandage and helping Shelds keep his leg mobile and moving. it might help as an alternative, that's what my vet offered for me to try. I've also had an ambutee bunny that I tried to save, but lets hope it doesn't go that far.
I would really try get a vet look at it, it sounds like a very uncomfortable and serious injury. I'm not sure if keeping her confined to a small area would work, it might but if the bones aren't aligned then it could heal funny and she could end up a special needs bunny, or end up being in a lot of pain and possibly have to be euthanised.
If she is folding it under, it may not be the foot. It could be the leg or hip. I'd still try to keep it as straight as possible and keep her confined. 3 weeks is a short time compared to the rest of her life. It will just be more work on your part to make sure she gets to nurse twice a day.

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