Agressive Bunny! Please Help!

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New Member
Jun 2, 2016
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I have a 7 month old male bunny. Ive had him for 3 months. The first month we had absolutely no problems the second month, he started acting out. Hes always been pretty sweet to me and everyone else besides my boyfriend! The second month he would thump whenever my boyfriend came home and if he was out of his cage, hed run under the bed and continue thumping and grunting. Now, the past week he has actually been LUNGING and attacking him. My boyfriend could just walk by the cage, and Scar lunges to attack him. And when Scar is free roaming, he jumps on the bed and constantly is on nic trying to bite and scratch at the blanket he was under so he could bite more. Nic now has bruises and scars from him and i dont really understand. I have male roommates and Scar likes them, even my female friends. but not nic. Yesterday we got him neutered in hopes that it helps. Hes still lunging at nic but i hear it can take weeks for things to change. Do you guys think that will solve our problem?
Neutering should help, but, you have to be "in charge" or be the "Alpha" or even with the neuter you may get no respect. All of ours are rescues and some came to us very aggressive (why they were scheduled for euthanasia). First thing I did was to train them, not let them train me. Good behavior got them a piece of Cilantro and aggressive behavior (grunting, lunging and nipping) got them snatched up and rolled over on their back and I would speak in harsh grunting tones--I treated them the way an alpha bunny would treat them. Cosmo now loves to run around and play and will come when called and Mr Hoppes is pretty much the same---no more grunting,lunging, scratching or nipping. They are both very great bunnies now. The "shy" ones took a lot more time as it's a longer process to get a scared bunny to trust you, but they all come around. Time and patience and you can't let them train you or they'll be fuzzy bullies.

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