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Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
We have always knew Buffy was agressive or just had a bad temper on her! But today she actually showed it!
My mom wasnt home but i thought i should let her out for a run as we dont have an outside run so she goes in the living room she is good that she doesnt mess anywhere! Anyway the past few weeks it's been mayhem getting her back into her hutch! Anyway me and my mom usually rounds her up by cornering her, we think she thought it was a game the first week but now it's more like her getting more exercise by us just walking near her and then her running away! Anyway her favourite spot of chilling and playing is under our table, its a problem as we have to move everything such as chairs to get to her!
So today i let her out like usual and she went under the table, i went to stroke her and she went to bite me, she growled in this process! Anyway i left her alone again and made sure she could see me and she growled again and went for me, i dunno wht i did wrong?
I finally got her back in her hutch and i wasnt holding her whilst stroking!!

Is she becoming agressive?
Welcome to the forum ascme93!

Aggression can be caused by many things....fear, territory, hormones, stress, illness, etc.

I only have 1 bun out of 8 that has never shown signs of aggression at some point.

How old is Buffy??? Got any pics :D??

Beans has boxed me once when she was mad I brought home Rice. Marshy bit me for no known reason one time but my little Ricey-Poo has never shown anything but love and admiration towards me....i love you Ricey!! :D (and the snots, Beans and Marshy, too). ;)

How long have you had this bun? If it hasn't been long they still might be in process of gaining trust for you.

She is around 7months old now, we've had her since january so im sure she knows im me and stuff!!

I do have a new bunny who is the opposite to her, he is laid back and stuff and you can do anything with him!
Very cute bunnie!!!

Is she spayed?

The new bun could be an issue for her, too. She may be asserting her desire to be the alpha bun.
chasing her is going to give her some trust issues, try putting out a tube or box that she feels secure in, when it's time for her to go back to her hutch she will flee into the tube or box making it alot easier to catch her without the stressing her out chassing her around the room....
She probably smells the new bun on you and on what she thought was her territory where she plays in your house.

Plus she was in her favorite spot, and sometimes rabbits want to be left alone when they are in their favorite spots, especially if you had the scent of the new rabbit on you.

Another idea to get her back to the hutch is to train her to go into a pet carrier. You can use treats and call her, and she'll learn that when she goes in she gets a treat. I always feed my buns their pellets and veggies when they're put to bed so that they know they have something to look forward to.
I didnt have the smell of my new bun on me either! I was in my Pj's when i held my new bun. Then i got changed and let buffy out. btw my new bun didnt go on the floor that morning!

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