Agnes Might Date a Mini Rex

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2012
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Okay so I stopped in this local pet store for some new bunny toys today. And guess what they had there? A gorgeous mini Rex male. (for those of you who don't know I've been looking for a male husbun forever for Agnes)

Anyway, he's a rescue. They often bring rescues in there for adoption. They are an offsite location for our local shelter here. They just neutered him 2 days ago but other than that have no info on him.

He was a stray. He was vey sweet. A little nervous but understandable. Wonder what he has been through. But I held him and he came up to me in his cage so good signs.
His coloring was spectacular. I don't know much about mini rexes but he was silver. But like a shiny gorgeous silver. Chinchilla? But chinchilla colorings I have seen were darker than this guy. He almost shines. And it was such a light silver too. Like a white silver. His coat is SO pretty. By the way, Rex velvet type fur is recessive right? They didn't even know he was a Rex. I told them because of his coat he has to be. He can't be a mix or any other breed with a coat like that right?

Ok blabbing but tell me about mini rexes! I know nothing about them! I kind of had it in my mind i would get a Lop but I have to consider all my options. Do they shed? What is their personality?

Oh and best part about it? At this satellite location they said I could bring Agnes in for a bunny date!! (their main location told me no bunny dates allowed) but these gals were nice and said they would break the rules for me hahaha :)

So Im busy the rest of the day but might date tomorrow. Oh but he just got fixed 2 days ago...would a date not go good yet then?

Sorry for the long rambling post. Thanks guys :)
Here is the link to the National Mini Rex Rabbit Clubs page on varieties.

I was a Mini Rex breeder for 4 years. I can honestly say that even after dealing with them for 4 years multiple times a day that I still LOVE them. To me they are the best rabbits out there. They can be stuborn, but they are also the BIGGEST sweet hearts out there. Bucks only get to a maximum of 4.25lbs (pretty sure). They can be active and they can be lazy. They do 1-2 big sheds a year. I have found that the best grooming tool to get rid of it is this. Also a light spray of water will get a lot of the fur out. They can be easy to train. I will most likely as long as I own rabbits, have at least 1 mini rex.
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Thanks Lauren. I've been all over the Internet now reading on mini rexes. They seem great! I think his color might be smoke pearl....?

Anyway, my mind is just reeling. Here I thought there'd be no chance for bunny dating here and was getting my mind set for a 5 hour drive for the holland Lop I love.

But now here is this guy and they will let Agnes date!!

Now I'm confused. The no dating thing and no bunnies here was what lead me to search online to begin with.

Now I have two bunnies on my mind....

I'm a complete wacko ;) hahahaha
agnesthelion wrote:
By the way, Rex velvet type fur is recessive right? They didn't even know he was a Rex. I told them because of his coat he has to be. He can't be a mix or any other breed with a coat like that right?

Ok blabbing but tell me about mini rexes! I know nothing about them! I kind of had it in my mind i would get a Lop but I have to consider all my options. Do they shed? What is their personality?

Yes, rex is a recessive fur type. :) Having rex fur doesn't necessarily mean he HAS to be a purebred rex. But both parents have to carry a recessive in order for the offspring to show that characteristic. So your guess is probably right! Usually a rex mix will not have rex fur. There are no other recognized breeds that have rex fur either.

MR are pretty popular as 4-H and youth rabbits because of their plush fur and sweet personalities. They don't require any more grooming than a regularly furred rabbits.

Give it a try, for sure! A lot of people really love the breed since they are kind of unique. And like you said, their fur colors are brilliant! The rex fur is so deeply colored.
CosmosMomma wrote:
Maybe get both? Sounds a bit drastic lol but I could never pass up a lop. I'm in love with their floppy ears and wrinkly noses.

I would LOVE too. But getting a second bun is already stressing me emotions couldn't handle two new ones! :p

But, I'm still not for sure I'm not gonna drive the 5 hours for the holland Lop I'm in love with. If they were both here he'd be my first choice for sure.

But now I finally have a bun locally that I like AND they are now saying yes to bunny changes things up a bit!

I'm torn...

By the way, if he just got neutered 2 days ago, would a bunny date not go so well yet?
How exciting that they'll let you bring Agnes in for a date!! I say go for the little Rex, since he's so much closer. Then if things don't work out with him, you can always try for the Lop. :D

I would wait at least 2 weeks, one for the healing and another for some of the hormones to dissipate. Even though I've read you're supposed to wait a month, isn't that just so the sperm goes away in males?? I definitely noticed a much calmer bun 2 days after mine were neutered. So if you can wait a bit longer, I say give it a try!!

Oh I hope it works out for you and Agnes!
Yes, definitely wait. I've also heard it's best to wait one month. (I've also read that with some boys it can take up to 2 mos for hormones to dissipate completely)

I'd be afraid his hormones will still affect his behavior. I wouldn't try before 2 weeks at any rate. Will they "hold" him I wonder.
I'd be afraid his hormones will still affect his behavior. I wouldn't try before 2 weeks at any rate. Will they "hold" him I wonder.

^^^ill definetely have to ask if they will hold him. The gal said that their bunnies get adopted fast there. He'll prob get adopted out from under me!
agnesthelion wrote:
Oh and best part about it? At this satellite location they said I could bring Agnes in for a bunny date!! (their main location told me no bunny dates allowed) but these gals were nice and said they would break the rules for me hahaha :)
sweeeeet!! will they let you have play dates with other bunnies if agnes doesn't like that one?
Imbrium wrote:
agnesthelion wrote:
Oh and best part about it? At this satellite location they said I could bring Agnes in for a bunny date!! (their main location told me no bunny dates allowed) but these gals were nice and said they would break the rules for me hahaha :)
sweeeeet!!  will they let you have play dates with other bunnies if agnes doesn't like that one?

Well, there is only one other bunny there right now and doesn't fit what I'm looking for. We just don't get buns here.

BUT she told me when I do adopt, if the doesn't work out I can bring bunny back and get a credit to use towards another bunny! Yay! Because they don't do holds so this little Rex could get adopted out from under me if I wait so I'm trying to decide if I should just dive in and do it....
Personally I think you should. Writing about your situation, seems like you'd really kick yourself if you missed out on such a good oppertunity. Any difficulties with the rabbitat a temporary solution can be cobbled together in the mean time. Lastly, they said you can bring the potential husbun back if things don't work out. Try, see what happens.
Troller wrote:
Personally I think you should. Writing about your situation, seems like you'd really kick yourself if you missed out on such a good oppertunity. Any difficulties with the rabbitat a temporary solution can be cobbled together in the mean time. Lastly, they said you can bring the potential husbun back if things don't work out. Try, see what happens.

Thanks for the encouragement :) I'm definitely leaning towards doing it. In would just hate for a bond not to work out and then have to bring him back. How awful! And since he just got neutered last week then a date might not be accurate just yet so I won't know for sure. But waiting I could risk him getting adopted....

So stressful. I worry too much:p
I say go for it! They would look beautiful together :)

It won't hurt anything to go on a date and see how they react. If it works, great! If not, no harm done. I would take her today before someone else snaps him up. He might hump more but it would be her reaction that matters in that case. I guess I'm a sucker for love :inlove:
you've been hemming and hawing over the second bunny decision for ages now - I think a bunny showing up in your immediate proximity and suddenly being told a date would be ok after all is a sign... and being able to return him for a different bun if the bond doesn't work out seals the deal.

if agnes seems like the dominant type, I'd be inclined to not try anything until his hormones are totally gone, as she may not take well to being humped :p
Okay the plan is I'm gonna take her in for a date on Wednesday morning. She doesn't seem like the dominant type. I mean with me she isn't. I can pick her up, put her on her back, groom her do anything to her with no complaint. She hasnt even thumped ever! Lol. but she could completely change with a bun so who knows.

But wed my son has preschool so I could go without him and really pay attention to the date. Not that he would be bad there but I want no other distractions.

Good grief if he gets adopted before then!! Well....maybe it wasn't meant to be....

Thanks for listening everyone. I know I've been hemming and hawing over this. You all are probably like "adopt a bun already so we don't have to hear about it anymore!!" hahahaha kidding. :)

But of course if I adopt then you'll just get to hear my stresses with the new bun ;) hehe
Hey, that's why we're all here. No one else wants to hear all my bunny woes and triumphs! :big wink:

(We're bunny people. We understand! lol!)

Wow, this will be exciting. I'll be waiting to hear how things go. I bet you're busy preparing everything at home in case things look good and you can bring him home.

Wednesday suddenly seems so far away...

Great minds must think alike, Lauren, I have that very same page bookmarked and I've already read it several times :)

Thanks and yes I will definitely keep you updated!!

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