Aggressive behaviour?

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New Member
Oct 17, 2014
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I have had my rabbit Faye for about 6 years. If you click on my profile you may be able to see a few photos of her.
Anyways.. I have this rubber gym mat in the garage and for some reason my Faye loves chewing at it, anyways the other day I noticed she destroyed it so it dawned upon me to see if I could make her understand what she did was wrong by picking up rubber bits all over the floor and showing her and sound stern in my voice (pretty much the way you would treat a dog)

haha anyways I picked up a rather larger bit of rubber and waved it in right in front of her face, probably touching her whiskers and her nose and she was started growling and went to attack it!

I was so shocked! I never knew rabbits could even make a noise! let alone see it get aggressive and ready to attack! Faye growled and lifted her two front feet to claw it! it was so scary! Such a unnatural sound as well, which i'm assuming is just a rabbit noise!

But maybe it has something to do with her age as well. She has had a pretty happy life and she probably thinks she is in control of our whole backyard! She's a free soul ^.^ So i don't know... Potentially she might be thinking she is the boss, or in control and she can do whatever she wants.

I don't understand why she got so angry at it. Or why she chewed it up as well! haha

Anyone able to give me any info about this?

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