Aggression; what can i do about it?

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New Member
Jun 22, 2005
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, , Canada
I have two bunnies, Aaron (6 months) and Floyd(5 months). WhenI first purchased my two bunnies everythingwas great, we thought that Aaron was a female but in the end they bothturned out to be boys.One day when I came home to find thatFloyd was beaten up badly so I did what anyonewoulddoI divided the cage until Aaron was old enough to have himneutered. Well that day came and everything went great. I kept the cageseparated but the two of them were close and could still see each otherthrough the divider. Well just recently I havehad to pull thetwo of them apart because Aaron is beating up Floyd when they are inthe hallway together. The last time this happened, I pulledAaron off and there was fur everywhere, and I put Floyd in the cage andwhen I went to go pick up Aaron, he lunged at my hand. If anybody hasany ideas of what I can do I would be so grateful.
Hey! First of all welcome to the forum!

Are both of your boys neutered? Malerelationships only sometimes work out, more often then not the dontwork out. But with time and patience it may happen. You also might wantto PM Tinysmom she is right now working on bonding two neuteredNetherland dwarf males, and she has come a long way with getting themnot to fight.

How scary, Laura! I've heard malescan't live together because they might fight (even to thedeath). But, I've also heard they CAN live together if theyare neutered. Amy gave you great advice! Keep usposted.

Hey, and thanks for the replies.

I have decided to separate the cages fully and now they are not goingto see each other at all. It is not worth it to me. The are both soprecious to me and i don't want to have to pull the two of them apart,it's so sad. Thanks for your help!
I hope that buck will not mind me using hiswords but here is what he told me when my previously bonded female andmale bunny started to fight.

Even if buns previously got along, things like puberty andage can alter the relationship. It would probably be wise toget Hetti spayed, if she has not been, in order to increaseher own longevity and kind of level the playing field between the twoof them. Jack's reduction in hormones, without a commensuratediminishing of Hetti's could possibly be at play here.

[/i]One of the best bonding sites I've been able to locateis:

House Rabbit Society at as well.

admittedly u have two male buns and neither has been neutered buthormones are obviously in play... try giving the websites buckrecommended a go :)good luck.

BTW my male and female are now bonded xx


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