Agghh! Pepsi's building a nest.. AGAIN

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Ok, well Pepsi has wrecked my morning. I woke up to find her building a nest and carrying mouth fulls of hay around. Last time, it was cute, but then she ended up with gas! I'm just hoping she doesn't have gas.. :?

She ate all her pellets last night and vegetables and there is poop and pee so that departments normal. She was eating some of her hay when the little bits got caught in her mouth, but didn't eat any pellets because she was too busy. She's so busy, so I didn't really get to check her out to much, but her tummy feels fine- firm and normal feeling. Should I giver her more hay? She's been going around her cage picking up little bits, but I don't want to waste the hay.

I'm just sort of worried about her with uterine cancer. Having the phantom pregnancy's twice when she's older doesn't sit right with me. Although, she's a few months short of her second birthday, is this an early sign of uterine cancer? That takes me back to square one about if I should spay her or not, because of her little tolerance for stress.

I've never heard of phantom pregnancies being a sign of uterine cancer, I think she's just following her instincts! Especially considering my 3.5 year old buck has nested 4 times.:disgust:
Oh ok thanks! I thouight I read it somewhere :?

What a relief!Alrighty, because if she does have gas, I have some simthecone I can give her..

I guess I just have to wait and see.

I just did a search online and after reading 10 pages, I've found nothing that says that phantom pregnancies are a sign of uterine cancer. Is she spayed?
No she's not. I would have had her spayed a while ago, but she doesn't handle stress at all. I was worried about her notrecovering well after the surgery. I don't feel comfortable with having her spayed.

Thanks for the search!
Alright, I just went downstairs to see if she wanted to eat some Romaine lettuce. Her appetite is normal, and she took the leaf away as soon as I put it near her and ate it. She's stopped building her nest and is in her little box upstairs in the sun. I'm hoping her appetite stays steady!
Hi Spring!

We have a bunnie that nests all of the time. We're no tsure why. The vet doesn't know why, but has seen no adverse effects from it in her. Chippy hasn't been spayed yet. We got her from a pet store where she had had 2 litters by the time she was 6 month old. The vet recommends that all female buns get spayed before they reach the age of 2, to prevent uterine cancer, but she doesn't think that the false pregnancies will CAUSE uterine cancer.

If you're concerned about Pepsi getting gas, you could give her some infant gas drops that contain brand is Milycon.....I bought the CVS brand. The drops will harm her in no way. I used them when S'more had GI stat and they worked fantastic. They come with a measuring dropper and I gave her the smallest doseage....(0.3 ml)...she weighs about 6 pounds. They can get it every 2 hours or until they have been relieved of their gas. It only took a few doses before it worked for S'more. I only treated her 3 times a day....but we did it for over a week.


Editting cuz I saw you posted about having simethicone :D

Parsley always works to prompt my buns to eat. After I give it to them, they'll eat everything in sight......bowls and hayracks are clean as a whistle in no time ;)

Yup, I have something ready incase she decided to show any signs of gas. I'm also going to give her some mint leaves to help calm her tummy if she's having an upset (I know mint in tea helps me if I have a sour stomach, so not sure about bunnies but she likes it so worth a try!). She's still eating, so keep my fingers crosses that she stays ok. I took some photos aswell that I'll post soon.

Thanks again!
Ok well, she was back to making her nest again and pulled most of her blankets from upstairs down and was picking up every single piece of hay she could find, so I gave her another handfull to work with. She ate a bit of pellets when I was watching her from outside the rabbit room while building Pebble's cage (I'm starting to hate the cage.. my hands are all blistered while trying to get the flippin connecters together!). She's back to sitting in the sun in her box upstairs, so far so good!

I refilled her water because it was all filled with hay and she drank some as soon as I put her fresh water in. So her appetite and her drinking is well, and she's active so no sign of any ill effects at the moment.
Spring wrote:

Yup, I have something ready incase she decided to show any signs of gas. I'm also going to give her some mint leaves to help calm her tummy if she's having an upset (I know mint in tea helps me if I have a sour stomach, so not sure about bunnies but she likes it so worth a try!). She's still eating, so keep my fingers crosses that she stays ok. I took some photos aswell that I'll post soon.

Thanks again!
Chamomile tea is good for bunnie stress.... and their tummies, too!;)

Hehe! that's funny aboutthe boy bunny. Maybe he was a female bun in his past life time? ;). If I saw a little boy pulling out fur and nesting, I'd question the gender fairy! :)

Ah ok, good to know. I know she used to LOVE the smell of mint (Like If I was chewing gum she would tyr to lick and smell my lips). Since I had to give her simthecone (Oval kind that smells minty) she runs away if I chew mint or cinnamon gum (Haven't a clue about the cinnamon, but I think it's too strong for her little nose). She still loves the fresh leaves, btu I forgot to give her some. She ate her pellets and no sign of her being distressed with gas, so I'm crossing my fingers that is stays that way.

Thanks! I'll update if anything happends/ if she's ok/ ect :).

Well, so far so good with Pepsi. She ate 80% of her pellets from last night, just a couple left in her bowl. She ate all her vegetables, and when I put some fresh hayin her day are she nibbled on that. This morning there was her normal shaped poops, about normal amount of pee and poo. She ate some romain lettuce this morning just so I could make sure she still has an appetite. She hasn't really touched her hay bottem part of her cage that is usually gone, so I'm still alert. She seems fine.

I'm just wondering, I have two little toy baby bunnies.. Should I put it in her nest? Or will that just distress her even more?
:sighI have some bad news.

Well, I was sort of suspicious of Pepsi because she was all flopped out all afternoon (Got up when I entered the room) and seemed to be not herself. I went down there an hour or so ago to give her some cuddles and her belly felt odd, kind of squishy and she was leaning her side against my hand (First sign somethings wrong). Well, I offered her some dried papaya, but no luck.

I offered her some romain lettuce, she tore a corner off and left it alone afterwards. She's not haunched over now, she's still moving but very slowly and caustiously. I gave her a nice towel to sit on for her belly, and she was investigating it and scrunching it up and biting it so she still is interested in play.

I suspect she has some gas, but going to wait until tomorrow until I give her some simthecone. I heard a nice big growl from her tummy, but she's the kind of bun that can have her off days so I'm waiting until tomorrow morning.

Her appetite last night andthis afternoon was good. She ate all her vegetables, most of her pellets (She left a small bit of halfbit ones), ate most of her hay. I think her tummy upset may be caused by theleaf lettuce I've been giving her recently fromleft overs. I'm not sure, or itcould be the broccoli leaves, but she's been eating them for weeks. I have my strong 'bun mom' intuition that it's gas, so I'll have to give her some simthecone if she hasn't improvedfor tomorrow morning.

Oh Pepsi.. Please don'tbe sick!

A little simethicone won't hurt even if pepsi didn't have gas. I give it to Misty at the first sign of trouble - I never wait with the simethicone since it is so mild (I use baby gas meds)and works wonders.

i read an article stating that even if gaven 10 times the amount suggested that it wasnt toxic. of course not ideal, but i wouldnt worry about it hurting her.
Thanks! I do have some Oval in the medical box, but she seems to have a fairly good appetite so I don't want to stress her out with the bunny burito and the syringe. She's still eating a bit, pooping, drinking and is active.. much better than yesterday. Her tummy feels firmer so hopefully she's just getting over what happend yesterday.
My bunns think Ovol is a treat! I guess it is the minty flavour?? If I suspect someone is looking kind of punky I give them a little bit. Its easier than later when they are gassy, because then they won't take the Ovol at all and we have to wrap them and try to get it in them! It might be a better idea if you can coax her to take a little on her own before she is gassy!
I tried to see if she would take some in the syringe If I restrained her just from the cage, no luck. She skittered and ran down her ramp. I'm still going to wait as I don't think she has gas at the moment. She'll eat a bit, and she's still pooping and peeing so I'm just going to keep an eye on her.

Here's some food for thought ...

"It is possible to eat too much fiber at a time. This can induce some bloating."

"A low-fat diet helps reduce carbon-dioxide production in the top (duodenal) area of the small intestines."

I found these in a natural remedies listing for gas and bloating for infants. That being said, I'm not sure if this would also apply to our furbies.

Anybunny wish to comment???

Oh!!...How's Pepsi today???



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