After 27 hours of labor, my niece was born c-section

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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, Missouri, USA
Stephanie's water broke at 6:12pm on Friday evening. By 7:00pm Saturday evening it was decided a c-section would have to be done because she hadn't dialated nenough (just past a 3) and the baby hadn't turned her head to get in position.

At 8:33pm on Saturday April 26th Susanna Lynn was born - 8lbs 11 oz, 22.5" long.

My brother is a proud new Papa and her first time Mom is also doing well! I'm too tired to even begin uploading pictures but I have tons. I just got home from the hospital. I've been there nonstop since Friday evening and it's just now 12:10am on Sunday morning.
Congrats on being an auntie! Is Susanna your first niece or nephew? Sorry to hear your SIL labored so long just to have a c-section, but I'm glad the little one is okay. Also, they chose a very pretty name!
Yay congratulations for her thats a very long time to be in labour, I hope you enjoy her. Newborns are so lovely and they smell soooo good lol.
Here she is with my Dad:


SnowyShiloh wrote:
Congrats on being an auntie! Is Susanna your first niece or nephew? Sorry to hear your SIL labored so long just to have a c-section, but I'm glad the little one is okay. Also, they chose a very pretty name!

Thank you! I am so, so excited!

Susanna is very special. My step sister (whom we've pretty much lost contact with) had a baby named Nicholas who passed away when he was 22 days old, on the 4th of July just shy of 16 years ago. So in a sense, Susanna is my "first".

She has Stephanie's Mom's first name and she shares both my Mom's and my middle name. :)
Here she is after her bath. I am so proud of how this picture turned out. It's one of my favorites:


JamesCarden wrote:
very frickin cool! dang.....27 hours???

I don't think any of us were happy, really.

Stephanie wanted to have her naturally. She had a strep infection so they weren't willing to check her much because they didn't want it to possibly infect the baby. She was on medication to make her have contractions but she never had regular ones so they didn't think things were progressing far.

The baby never turned her head into the correct position and Stephanie didn't dilate past 3... so when they got close to the 24 hour mark they needed to make a decision about a c-section.

Her doctor never came in because her son had a prom shut-in party to attend and they had to wait for the resident doctor who was busy with others. I think the storms we had kept everyone very edgy. In the nursery at one point there were 18 newborns.

It was all very overwhelming for Stephanie who at 39 just had her first baby. We dont have any pictures of her with Susanna yet because she was so worn out and sick by the time everything was done - she didn't want horrible looking pictures to remember.
I just realized, these pictures of me with Susanna are the first three Jason took of his baby!!




Oh, Gosh, she's just perfect! She looks like she's trying to tell you some big story in the first one of you and her!

Congratulations! I know you'll be spoiling the dickens out of her!
Congratulations - I'm so happy for you.

I've been meaning to tell you too - I love your haircut that you got I'll say it here...

I'm so happy for you and for the whole family.

OH MY GOODNESS!! She's so pretty!! I just love a newborn's beautiful pink glow...there's just nothing like that!

Congratulations, Auntie!!
