AFL kits!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
My blue doe had a nice litter of 5 (1 DOA - apeanut I think). The last owner told me she was a "terrible"mother. Glad to prove them wrong! She is tryingvery hard to take care of this demanding nestbox crowd. I'venever seen a doe pull somuch fur for a nest...poor baby isbald! I've had to help along the dark chestnut runt with afewextra feedings,but its doing fine now.I can't wait to see if the brokens are black or chestnuts...nobutterflies though:(- eh...minor points and still sooo cute!

Click on kits or for sale to see thier picture...

Alicia :

They are adorable , A little information please, at what age doesthe longer fur come in , for some reason I was thinking theywere born fuzzy?I noticed that Your babies havethe same slick coat as infantsas most other babies , When and how early areyou able to tell who is show qualityand he wont be ?
@ Gypsy's thinking they'd be fuzzy-- afterlooking at lionhead kits with their bald areas, I thought AFL's wouldbe bald all over except for their heads. :shock:
The are born naked like everyone else!The picon the site is with the kitsabout a week oldso they have some fur starting to grow in. They'll be niceand fuzzy by about 6 weeks and I"ll pick some favorites then forshow. I'm looking for some bigger heads and nice crowns in myline and hoping to add more does. I'm also going to pick theone with the best personality for a pet for my neice. Itsamazing how fast thier fuzz will grow and they will be total puff ballsby 8 weeks. This is a pic of a AFL kit about 6 weeks..he wasa keeper!


This is about 8 weeks


Here is the tort from above pic at about12 weeks before hewent to his new can see the long baby hairs coming out andthe new coat coming in with the richer color. This guy had ahuge headbut very long ears...he's a wonderful pet inMassachusetts now with personality plus!


Oh my goodness! They areadorable! I have to save your site to my favorites.Now that I have Toby, I can't get enough of AFL's.

Are the solids black and blue? (2 black, 1 blue)

I can't wait to see them when their fur comes in.


PS: It's no wonder Toby's breeder sent him off to a petshop. He was absolutely PITIFUL at 10 weeks, but he's prettynow. :)

Two of the solids are going to be blue - therunt that is very dark with lighter inside the ear is going to bechestnut (from his sire). I have another litter dueWed. I'm hoping for broken blues from her since I didn't getany in this litter!

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