Advice on rabbit breeds please ..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
What breed of rabbit has the most reliable temperment?

Although we can't rehome BENJi as he's part of the family, eventhough he's Sid Vicious reincarnate, we're going to get him an outdoorhutch and keep him outside.

We would quite like to get another indoor rabbit for Hollie ..she so longed to be able to cuddle BENJi after losing Felix .. not surewhat breed to get .. or indeed, what sex ... (even though we wont putthe rabbits together AT ALL <-- I think BENJi would eat theother one!

I'd love a Holland Lop but are small rabbits more likely to be grumpy?
Saffy,although I grew up with mostly mutt bunnies, the rabbits I ownnow,are picked with temperament a highpriority.We have a 2yr.-old who loves nothingbetter than to stick his hand in the rabbit's hutches, outdoor buns aswell as indoor buns. My husband and I, as well as our 14yr-old son watch Caleb closely, but we can't always be there everyminute.

We live in the country and have a huge yard.

Probably the gentlestrabbits we have are the Mini-Rex and Flemish giant BUCKS .Right now we have a biting Flemish doe ; I did call the breeder and shesaid that a biting parent does not neccesarily produce a bitingoffspring.

Hope this helps,

Kadish Tolesa :sunshine:
Saffy, are you looking at going to a breeder oradopting from a shelter? If you are going for temperament, Iwould say go to a shelter and spend a lot of time with the rabbitsthere before you pick one out. That way you can pick out arabbit based on it's individual temperament, which can vary a lotwithin a breed. Also, they are usually adult andspayed/neutered, so you will know what they'll be like more long term,instead of becoming a hellion when they hit puberty.

I haven't had a chance to work with many breeds so I can't say which breed to choose.
Holland lops are usually very sweet,but anindividual rabbit from any breed could be mean.picking an adult insuresthe temperment will not change.I never use rabbits that bite forbreeding.I do believe temperment is hereditery.bluebird
Holland Lops are incredibly friendly and sweet.

Here is my Xander


He is not neutered andheissuch a doll :) Though because he isnt neutered he pees onEVERYTHING, so he isnt allowed on any furniture :p


I have 2 Hollands. They are completelydifferent. Dillon is very sweet, he likes his own time whenhe's playing, but he loves cuddles. Daisy is friendly on herterms. She comes for attention sometimes, but not often andhates to be picked up.

On the other hand, you can't beat Sampson, my Flemish buck, for being abig love. He's such a cuddler and just the sweetestguy. I have 2 Flemish does, but haven't had them long enoughto form a good opinion, however, Delilah is tempered just like Sampsonand Anissa is on her way there.

I have several breeds, my Holland, Corky, by faris my most gentle, loving bunny...he is 100% sweetheart. Wehave a lil more of a special bond due to a very nasty illness we wentthru were I basically brought him back from death...but he was greatbefore....he's even better now....I love him with all my heart andwould bring him everywhere if I could...even work, and he'd love it!LOL This is my baby...


Both my boys are hollands.

Buster is VERY grumpy, only allowing you to pet him when HE wants... Healways has a royal way about him, lke i'm the king so you'd betterWATCH OUT!

My Tucker Pants on the other hand, he is such a little sweetie pie.Will lay on the floor with you, LOVES his groom time everyday. He willflop, and lay on his side to make sure I get his belly... LMBO!

So it REALLY depends on the individual rabbit.

I would go for a Himalayan. Himalayans aredocile and at a young age can be very relaxed and a good first rabbit.I also suggest bucks for little kids for usually does can get reallycranky when nothings bothering them. I got two Himalayans. 1 is 6months old and is kind of a little scared of people because she wasn'tbeing held a lot and has neverbeen a show rabbit. the secondHimalayan is a12 week old doe, she is really relaxed. Doesn't getnervous and also is wonderful to watch and hold for a really long time.The 12 week old doe was in my lap and was held for at least an hour ormore, for I fell in love with her and the 6 m. y.o.:)

6 month old doe is name Leotie and 12 week old doe is named Smores. Iwill have French Lop babies for sale in September. Can email me if wantone. THey are going to be very sweet. Will be held every day. Got 6 tochoose from, probably. All are good for young children.:angel:


website: www.
Well, I've been debating on whether or not toanswer this. I have 2 Netherland dwarfs, 1 Holland lop, 1Flemish Giant, 2 "mutts" that I think are flemish or NZ or somethinglike that - and lots and lots of lionheads...

My Holland Lop is a hoot...and when he gets neutered this fall - he'llbe a house bunny like our Flemish (Tiny). However, he HATESto be locked up in his cage and I read in a book about lops (forget thetitle but its by Sandy Crook I think?) that they look at being confinedas punishment and they resent it - or something like would need to consider how much your bunny would be locked up.

My Netherlands are tempermental - not cuddly - although I know thereare folks here who have Netherlands that they love and enjoy.Don't get me wrong - I can hold them - sometimes - on their turf andtime...but they don't "cuddle".

My flemish is one of the few who doesn't like to cuddle or beheld. If I let him come to me on his terms...he's very lovingand he loves to be petted. HOWEVER, he wasn't socialized at ayoung age.

My best experience has been with my lionheads - which is why I startedbreeding them. They are very curious and playful like myNetherlands....but they are also very loving like my lop. Wehave one blue eyed white that automatically goes into "sleep" mode theminute my son picks him up...he literally just cuddles into Eric'shands and lays there to be petted. Most of my lionheadsreally like to be held - although picking them up may be hard ifthey're in the middle of playtime because they will fight since theydon't want to go back in their cage.

Part of why I like my lionheads so much and become so impressed withthem - is that I've taken unsocialized lionheads and played with themfor about a month and spent time with them...and they've become tamevery easily. It's almost like - even if they're notsocialized...somewhere in their nature is the need to be socialized andthey settle down.

However, not everyone has the time to groom a lionhead (I don't groommine like I should at this time....but I'm not showing themyet). Ideally, they should be brushed a couple of times aweek just a little bit to keep their manes looking nice, et c.

I think the important thing is to sit down and spend time playing withthe rabbit you're thinking of getting...whether it be from a shelter ora breeder. I think that will help you decide which individualrabbit is the right one for you...

Good luck!

I have a Havana mutt and a jersey wooly andthey're both loves. I also had a harlequin mutt who wasincredibly sweet and docile. If you don't want to work ongrooming I would't go for a wooly. Howie gets grumpy when Ihave to flip him on his back and groom his belly, but he'll get mattsif we don't.

I think getting a rescued rabbit might be just up your ally.Since it doesn't seem like you're really set on a certain breed and therabbit will be a pet, not for show or breeding, there's no reason whyyou shouldn't rescue! (unless you're looking for a baby, Iguess) When you rescue an adult rabbit you get a better ideaof their fully formed personality. Usually shelter workershave a good idea of how a rabbit acts and you can visit multiple timesto make sure you find the right bunny for you. Plus, you'resaving a life. They've already been sterilized and many timeslitter box trained. If you can find an House Rabbit Societybranch near you, many run adoptiong through foster home systems wherethe bunnies have already gotten a great introduction to being a houserabbit. And you usually have many different breeds, colors,sizes, and sexes to choose from. Rabbits are the third mostcommon animal to find in shelters these days.

Try checking Youcan search for specifics breeds/sex/size/age in your area!That's how I got all three of my bunnies.
I have a female Holland, a female Mini Lop and amale Fuzzy Lop (they're called something else in the UK). MyHolland (Baby)is very sweet, but hates to be pickedup. She thrashes like crazy. My Mini (Snuggy) issnotty, but has her sweet moments and doesn't mind beingpetted. My Fuzzy Lop boy (Toby)is thebest. He's a cuddle bunny, but I have to keep his fur brusheddaily or he gets matts.My friend has a Fuzzy, too(Shadow)and he's the same way. I've only heard goodthings about Fuzzies. They don't mind being handled and havegood temperaments. You just have to keep up on the grooming.


TinysMom wrote:
My Netherlands are tempermental - not cuddly - although Iknow there are folks here who have Netherlands that they love andenjoy. Don't get me wrong - I can hold them - sometimes - ontheir turf and time...but they don't "cuddle".
Pebbles is a Netherland Dwarf, and she isso mellow. She likes to play and explore, but shenever goes too far from you. When playtime is over, she will flop close toyou. She always lowers her headevery time we pick her up and never runs.Pebbleswill lay in your arms for cuddling until you get tire holdingher. And she loves getting pets as she returns thefavor with kisses. Everyday the bondinggets even stronger, and sheseemsevenmore gentler and loving to us.

Rainbows! :)
Dutches are nice, but mine is a bit of aloner. My preference is the bigger the better, at least withthe four breeds I have. If I got a nother one it would be aFlemish Giant.

Pet_Bunny wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
MyNetherlands are tempermental - not cuddly - although I know there arefolks here who have Netherlands that they love and enjoy.Don't get me wrong - I can hold them - sometimes - on their turf andtime...but they don't "cuddle".
Pebbles is a Netherland Dwarf, and she isso mellow. She likes to play and explore, but shenever goes too far from you. When playtime is over, she will flop close toyou. She always lowers her headevery time we pick her up and never runs.Pebbleswill lay in your arms for cuddling until you get tire holdingher. And she loves getting pets as she returns thefavor with kisses. Everyday the bondinggets even stronger, and sheseemsevenmore gentler and loving to us.

Rainbows! :)

Pebbles is lovely .. reminds me of Felix !

Ok folks ... what sex should I get ? (having already got a male in the house - though they wont be together)

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