Advice on after a spay please ..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
Hullo all .. long time no speak I know, but I'vebeen horrendously busy at work and home and have had no time to postmuch on here, only the odd comment on some posts.(Specially Apoloo's passing :()

Anyways, I have a cause of concern and I knew straight away where to come.

Mookie had her spay last Wednesday (she's 4 months old now) and allwent well .. she was eating dandelions later that night and the sightof the op was clean.

It's now a week and I've noticed that at the site of the op there is asticky out thing, under the skin, like a belly button ... should it belike this? It doesnt seem to be causing her pain as I'vetouched on and around it quite firmly.

Many thanks .. x
Is it a little round spot or a puckeredline? If it'sa line, it's just theincision. If it is small and round, I would think it is anipple. Can you see her other nipples? Is it in thesame line?

If it really doesn't look like a nipple, you could call your vet and see what he thinks.

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