Advice needed on hand rearing a 2 week old kit

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Jul 7, 2014
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Long story short, I've re homed two netherland dwarf does, one was pregnant (which I was unaware off) anyway she littered and I separated the other female and all was good, however after 2 weeks the mother has suddenly killed her babies, I managed to save one. It has small grazes which i have treated with diluted betadine ointment and missing hair.
I went and bought rabbit formula and I've started to attempt to hand rear it. when I got it, it weighed 90g, its been 3 days and I've managed to keep its weight at around 87- 88grams AFTER a feed (I feed twice a day 12 hours apart) before a feed it weighs around 85-86g. The issue is I can't get it to suckle, I am using a small syringe at the moment and squirting the formula onto its tongue and waiting for it to lick its lips etc. Has anyone got any tips as to how I can get it to suckle?
Have you tried getting some one to hold mum and let bub try to suckle off her? Then supplement with formula if you don't think bub is getting enough. Hope it works out for you
THAT is the best way to do it.
In face you should be able to in about 2-3 days put it in the saucer for it and then it can lick it up.
at the same time offer oatmeal and good grass hay and the kit should be just fine.
I"ve saved entire litters at 17 days old doing this.
Thanks all, I've finally got her to suckle but now the wound on her head from where mum started to attack her has started to abscess :( I've flushed, cleaned and treated it as best I can but I'm aware that I can't give her penicillin as she is too young, so fingers crossed that it clears up as I'm starting to get attached :(

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