New Member
Hey all, first time poster here, so please bear with me.
I adopted my bunny Loaf some two or so years back, and after about a year, decided that I should get a bondmate for him. As such, I headed to my local HRS and after a bit of speed dating, picked out a rabbit (Toast) to bond with. I started out with a week or two of stress bonding, which seemed to go alright. After that we moved to the bathtub. Toast mounted like crazy, but Loaf seemed to accept it and after the sessions became “boring,” I decided to move them to a small pen on the carpet. Although there were a few rough patches, things seemed to go well enough and once again, got boring. So I decided to upgrade the bonding area again--and this is where I'm stuck.
I currently have them together in an area about the size of their pens (~2x4). I've been bonding for literally months and months, and they still don't seem to be making any progress. I thought I might’ve had a breakthrough recently, as they started cuddling, but they haven't done it much since. They get along fine, munching on the hay I put out, occasionally grooming one another, and sometimes lying down together. Until, that is, one of them (usually Toast) tries to mount. The other will immediately run away (the mounter will often follow for several seconds before giving up) and usually remains wary for several minutes (this will often happen a couple times per session). I'm just at a loss of what to do--they just can't seem to work out dominance, no matter how much time they're given. What should I do?
(As a side note, after every session I have done cage switching.)
I know some people might suggest that I return Toast to the shelter and try with another rabbit, but by this point I just can't see myself doing that. I've had him for too long to just give him away, you know? I'm actually getting a bit emotional just thinking about it haha
I’d also like to stress that they do not fight--the two get along perfectly well until one tries to be dominant. There’ve been maybe three instances of fighting, and those were all very early on in the bonding process and were broken up right away. There is occasional chasing, but like I said, the chaser usually gives up very quickly.
More details for both rabbits:
Toast: male, ~4 lbs, fixed, 2 yrs old. Almost always the one who tries to mount.
Loaf: male, ~3 lbs, fixed, 3 yrs old. Will only occasionally try to mount.
I adopted my bunny Loaf some two or so years back, and after about a year, decided that I should get a bondmate for him. As such, I headed to my local HRS and after a bit of speed dating, picked out a rabbit (Toast) to bond with. I started out with a week or two of stress bonding, which seemed to go alright. After that we moved to the bathtub. Toast mounted like crazy, but Loaf seemed to accept it and after the sessions became “boring,” I decided to move them to a small pen on the carpet. Although there were a few rough patches, things seemed to go well enough and once again, got boring. So I decided to upgrade the bonding area again--and this is where I'm stuck.
I currently have them together in an area about the size of their pens (~2x4). I've been bonding for literally months and months, and they still don't seem to be making any progress. I thought I might’ve had a breakthrough recently, as they started cuddling, but they haven't done it much since. They get along fine, munching on the hay I put out, occasionally grooming one another, and sometimes lying down together. Until, that is, one of them (usually Toast) tries to mount. The other will immediately run away (the mounter will often follow for several seconds before giving up) and usually remains wary for several minutes (this will often happen a couple times per session). I'm just at a loss of what to do--they just can't seem to work out dominance, no matter how much time they're given. What should I do?
(As a side note, after every session I have done cage switching.)
I know some people might suggest that I return Toast to the shelter and try with another rabbit, but by this point I just can't see myself doing that. I've had him for too long to just give him away, you know? I'm actually getting a bit emotional just thinking about it haha
I’d also like to stress that they do not fight--the two get along perfectly well until one tries to be dominant. There’ve been maybe three instances of fighting, and those were all very early on in the bonding process and were broken up right away. There is occasional chasing, but like I said, the chaser usually gives up very quickly.
More details for both rabbits:
Toast: male, ~4 lbs, fixed, 2 yrs old. Almost always the one who tries to mount.
Loaf: male, ~3 lbs, fixed, 3 yrs old. Will only occasionally try to mount.