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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Hi Folks!

Just curious as we seem tohave a lot of peoplewhohave adopted rabbits through the connections that have been made onthis Forum.

Two out of three of my rabbitscame to me as a result of this wonderful site.


I've got 7 buns including our recent addition...Rosie.

Rosie-roo came into our lives because of the forum,thanks to Uncle Buck!!

What an adventure that was!!!!!

i just discovered this site yesterday so ihaven't adopted any through this site yet but all of my current bunnieswere adopted from shelters :D
I have 2wonderfull bunnies from a member of thissite , Buster bunny and Jackrabbit lol they are doingwonderfully here too.
Hi Carolyn,

I adopted Pebbles from a local Vet. But it was fromall the help and information provided from thisforum. I spent 3 months following thisforum,beforePebbles came into ourlives. I owe you so much. Thank-you.

Rainbows! :D
how do i get information about adopting a rabbitin my area? Also how do i get information about breeders andwhoi can breed my little girl to?
hiphopsmommy wrote:
how do i get information about adopting a rabbit in my area?Also how do i get information about breeders and who i can breed mylittle girl to?

What do you mean "Breed my little girl too" mean like a "Studservice"???? Breeding isnt all fun and games, trust me. Make sure youresearch a TON about breeding, and be ready for any problems that mightoccur during kindling. :)

I adopted one of my bunnies from the shelter ivolunteer for..he was special needs so no one wanted him. He hasallergies and needs medicine every month to help with the sneezeing.
I have adopted two from this forum! :D

Rupert from M.E.'s friend


and Merlin from Vittoretwith Carolyn's help!


I have adopted Christa and Hopi from Gypsy.





I am adopting Mitzy and Tinsel from BlueMoonz.





I can't wait for them to come home. I am so grateful to Bluemoonz for letting me be there mom.

Christa and Hopi are incredible. I can't thank Gypsy enough.


Well being the only one from Munich, it would bea bit hard for me to adopt, BUT, believe me, if I were in USA/Canada, Iwould have adopted a few buns from you guys.

Our Friend, Dootsmom, is about toadoptFive!

She'll be looking to rehome them as soon as she can though.

*Note to Self: I never should've let Amy get out of here with Merlin,but I didn't have the room to take him. (BUMMER!), but it's agreat thing for Merlin.*


W:shock:W, Dootsmom, that is amazing.How wonderful. I really admire people like you and Amy and Gypsy andall the others for all ya'll do for bunnies in need.


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