Adopting question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Bonner Springs, Kansas, USA
I have been looking at all the adoption pages online for my state for bunny rabbits and most of them seem to keep saying the same thing and as a new bunny owner I am just wondering why exactly. It will say for instance if it's a nueterued male it will only be sold as a mate to a spayed female. They wont sell a fixed bunny to a same sex bunny? I get that males don't get along but what about females. Is it a bad idea to think about getting another female in the future to bond with the female I already have?

Sorry everyone, I was just really curious.
It's one of the more popular bonding ideas: opposite-sex pairs work better.

Personally, I'm not convinced, because I know many, many people who have pairs of the same sex and no additional issues bonding them. Personality matters far more than gender.

Like I said, though, it's a popular idea. Not necessarily accurate, but widely claimed...
I agree personality depends a lot more than gender but it's harder to find 2 compatable males because often cases both are territorial and not willing to give an inch to another male (a threat to their territory and breeding rights) while they see a female as a potential mate and it makes bonding easier.

But it's definitely possible to bond 2 males as it is to bond 2 females. I think they probably say that because they probably had issues with same sexes being adopted out and a high rate of returns because they didn't get along.

Your best bet is to find a 'bunny dating service' to help her find a friend, that way you don't end up with 2 incompatable rabbits.
I think the reason that shelters will only adopt out neutered/spayed animals is to stop any accidential breeding in the future. More times than not animals are bred irresponsibly and you get 'excess' babies that have no-where to go and end up in a shelter.

A fixed bunny is just as good as an unfixed one, though! My three girls are 'whole', but if I decide to keep my resuced bunny boy I'll have him neutered... I wouldn't want the amount of babies that three girls could give me!
It might also mean that they don't want to adopt their buns if they won't be bonded with another bunny. Some rescues think that all rabbits must have a bonded friend. I'm sure they'd adopt one into a girl-girl relationship, maybe a male-male if the buns have already met and get along well.
The only bonded pair of rabbits I ever had were two free range intact males. One was 3 months older than the other. They only ever had one fight. The both got desexed eventually as they sprayed on eachother, but they were very :bunnydance:in love:bunnydance: and honestly never faught except for that one little tussle. The one instigating the fight was fixed a few days after the fight and the other a little later down the track. They were very loving and would sit under the deck and groom eachother and cuddle down for a nap.

No way am I endorsing keeping intact males together, but just saying that it is possible for same sex rabbits to get along.





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