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Feb 13, 2005
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Hi everyone,

We recently adopted a new rabbit into our family. The peoplethat owned the rabbit were moving, and I don't know that they took verygood care of him- his nails were actually curling over!

Anyway, he's acting pretty skittish. He runs when we try topick him up and has been sitting in his cage for the most part.

Does anyone have any hints or ideas on how to make him feel a little more at home here?

Thanks so much!

Well, I think the key is to be very calm and reassuring with him.

I have suggested that you get on the same level physically.Like lay flat on the floor and encourage him to come see you with alittle treat or something.

Take it a day at a time. He's not used to attention from what you are saying. His nails need trimmed bad :(
Thanks! I've been petting him and talking to him in a soft voice and keeping the kids away from him.

Yeah, I took care of his nails last night! Once I got himhome and saw that his nails were curving like that, I took him to thevet at Petsmart and he clipped them.Thevetsaid that the way his nails were growing was abnormal, buthe doesn't know if its from nutrition or a genetic thing. :O(

So, we're just going to let him get acclimated.

Talk to him a lot. If you are on thephone be by him and it helps them get used to being aroundyou. It may take a month or just a few days.

i'm with bo, get on the floor :) justletting the new bunny wander around a room can help it.. they're socurious! but even after he's used to you he might not want tobe picked up or petted. both of mine hate being picked up. and theyusually only allow pets when they're chillin and tired.. then we'repermitted by their royal highnesses to pet them ;) onlyrecently has my boy bunny started to 'bow' when i come over for petsand we've had them for 8 months now! they are the kings and queens, andwe are their human servants lol
Oh Lord! I've got a cat! :shock:LOL

That's reassuring, at least! Thanks!

I usually sprawl on the floor facing away fromthem, don't make eye contact, and talk in a high soft voice. Rabbitsare curious, and can't usually resist checking you out.

The other thing is that hunger is a great weapon. Most peoplegiveunlimited feed and wonder why bunny is not interestedwhen they come to the cage. Food is a good motivator that way. "Whathave you got for me??"

I'm definitely not recommending you starve the poor thing, but mostpeople overfeed at first, and a healthy hunger at morning feeding timeis great. Rabbits gain and lose weight quickly, and so you have to becareful in diet changes. But a fat rabbit can have lots of healthproblems, so you want to watch the weight closely.

Mine are quite enthusiastic in the mornings. I feed just enough to keepa small layer of padding on the ribs, so I can feel them withoutpushing hard but yet they don't stick out. The only one thatgetsunlimited food currently is a developing young adolescentmale, and his food will be restricted when he's grown in a month or two.

The best bonding--for me--happens at morning food time!!

Welcome and good luck! Post pictures!!

Thanks! Those sound like great ideas!

I'll post pictures as soon as I can coax him out from between the couch and the wall! lol

I like what others have said! Givehim time, let him get used to you, his new surroundings,especially your voice. good luck with him. Whatdoes he look like? What's his name?:)
He's got longer, fluffy fur and he is a lightreddish tan. We've named him Cinnemon, since that's kind ofwhat he looks like.

He actually looks a lotlike the bunny that Cinnabun posted -same coloring and everything. I'll try to get some picstomorrow.

Our bunny was very scared when we got him. Hewould just sit currled in a ball looking scared. My uncle told me toput a box for him to hide in, and he loved it.
Once we had some guests over and one girl sat on the floor next to thecage and Chernish came out of the cage to sniff her. I was sosurprised. But it really helped us to bond when I would just sit on thefloor and he would come to check me out.
They are extremely curious. As soon as we bring him new toys or boxes, hw goes to check them out.
You may want to make a digging box for him, just a covered box withsome windows and a door and put some hay with shredded paper inside. Hecan hide and play in the box.
We also made a sunroof in a box, so Chernish stands on his back feet to see who is around.
When I rescued my Chompers, he was very skittishand afraid of me at first. I left him alone for the most part, as in Ididn't try to pet him, make any sudden movements around him or loudnoises or anything.

Like Bo said, lay on the floor and let him come to you. I used to layon the floor and read a book. It didn't take long for him to startcoming over to me and when I rubbed his ears he was in bunny heaven.Plus, a food bride never hurts, as long as it's not too much too soon,especially if he's had a bad diet up until now.

Good luck! I'm sure things will work out fine. Do you have any picturesyou could post for us?? We all love hearing about someone rescuing arabbit and love pictures even more.
Stephanie wrote:
When I rescued my Chompers, he was very skittish and afraidof me at first. I left him alone for the most part, as in I didn't tryto pet him, make any sudden movements around him or loud noises oranything.

Like Bo said, lay on the floor and let him come to you. I used to layon the floor and read a book. It didn't take long for him to startcoming over to me and when I rubbed his ears he was in bunny heaven.Plus, a food bride never hurts, as long as it's not too much too soon,especially if he's had a bad diet up until now.

Good luck! I'm sure things will work out fine. Do you have any picturesyou could post for us?? We all love hearing about someone rescuing arabbit and love pictures even more.
They like to try to eat the books too LOL!

Also, Don't worry about the cat. I mean, watch them, but ourcat was afraid of the bunny and now plays with him. It'shilarious to us because the cat has such a tude and he's playing with arabbit! :p
I have to agree with everyone who said lay on thefloor. Try laying with treats and toys to see what peaks yourlittle one's interest. Basil was really skittish when Ibrought her home (I think her breeder was into the breeding, not theraising). It took her a little while and I don't think shewill ever be a cuddly bunny, but she now is content to sit and havepets and kisses. I honestly think it took her about month ofa couple of hours of attention every day. She initially justsat in the cagefor a couple of days, but now she wantsnothing to do with going back in. :)

Good Luck,


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