I have had acupuncture done for several rabbits over the years and it is something I frequently recommend to others for a variety of conditions, including head tilt. I think it is great that you have a vet who is suggesting it, and I urge you to give it a try if it is financially feasible. It is important to have "realistic expectations" when making a decision about complementary treatments like acupuncture.
First, though you may see immediate results it may also take several treatments before there is visible improvement. I generally suggest people be willing to try 3-5 treatments before "giving up." Because acupuncture works with the body to restore balance,it is unlikely to cause harm (when done by a qualified professional, that is). If you are interested, many acupuncturists are willing, over time, to teach you how to sense key points that need stimulating and introduce you to acupressure techniques that you can use between treatments.
Second, the beneficial results you see may never be "dramatic" ... Subtle improvements in overall "health and wellbeing" ... things that you simply sense ... are more common than dramatic resolution of major symptoms. The down side to this is that our "partners" (parents, spouse, etc.) don't always recognize the subtle improvements, so it is important for everyone involved in making treatment decisions be aware of what to expect. On the plus side ... I think "well-being" plays a bigger role in healing than most of us understand at this point. This is where a "both (Western pharmaceuticals)/and (Eastern healing modalities) approach to veterinary care is likely to yield better results than "either/or."
Kathy Smith