Well-Known Member
I am terrified right now. I am not new to breeding rabbits, but, my newest addition, Cynder, has bred with my old man Ace. Cynder is 7-8 month old French Angora, Ace is a 4 year old Mini Rex. She got out with him twice. The first time it was poor error in cage adjusting, due to me. We use to have an automatic feeder so all of my cages had a big cut square in them, the feeder broke so we took it out. I thought I folded down all of the wire and covered it, I forgot Cynders cage. She escaped through that, don't ask me how a 5 pound angora fit through a 6 inch hole, I don't know. lol, anyway. She got out on the 8th of May. The second time, on the 21st of May (I think that or the 18th) I need to look at my calender. I wasn't home and I have a like a system for taking care of my morning rabbit duties. My mother, who was taking care of them, had left Cynderscagenothooked right, it doesn't have a normal hook, and then accidently left there cage open. So, her first due date is in about a week. I am not excited, like normal breedings, because I am leaving on the 12th. I am hoping the breeding on the 8th took because I can set up the babies okay, if it took on the 21st then my father has to deal with that. He is not very animal literate. I am hoping that neither of them took though because right now I don't want mixed breed babies, or any babies because I am leaving. *sighs*