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Mar 6, 2005
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Hello, I need some quick help. My rabbit waslying under my chair andI didn't notice, and when I moved mychair her front paw hair got caught and she screamed and ran away, indoing so she lost a clump of her paw hair and one front toenail. It wasbeeding, not badly tho. She went into a corner and has beencleaning it. Is this dangerous? Should I take her to a vet? Or should Ijust let her clean it and heal on its own. And will she get her nailback? She isn't limping or anything. But I am not sure what to do. Cananyone give me some advice?
I'm not sure what you cando, but put some flour on the nail it's good for clotting blood. Ithink she'll be okay and try comforting her. Good Luck :)
If it's still bleeding put some flour on it. That will help to stop the blood.

Is her paw broken? or could it be? you need to see the vet if that's a possibility.

If the bleeding stops and it's not broken (for sure) then she should be fine. :)
My one rabbit got a toenail caught in a towel andpulled it out. It bleed a little. I just kept aneye on it to make sure it did not get infected. It was okay.

Thank you to everyone, you guys gave me so much relief!!! :) I really appriciate it.
My rabbit Peppy was grocery shopping with me andI guess his nail got caught on the cement or something, I'm not surewhat happened exactly. I just looked down as we were walking and sawthis big trail of blood and he was sitting in a puddle of it,I picked him up, got blood all over my shirt, and then I realized hiswhole toe nail was ripped out completely...not just broken, it wastotally gone.

So, I dried it off the best I could, he was perfectly fine, it didn'teven seem like it hurt him, he didn't make a sound or anything.

He's fine now :) It grew back.

How's she doing now? BTW.... welcome to the forum! :D

MBLB you took the bunny shopping?!?!? what did the grocery store think? LOL!
Dear Bo,

How's my Bobeesh today?

Yes, I take Peppy grocery shopping with me all the time. He's on hisleash, and walks beside me. He actually helps pick out food. I'll ask"Peppy, what should I buy?" and he'll go over to a shelf hop onto it ifthere's room and usually push something onto the floor hahaha , okay soits usally not something I like, but its cute :p

I do get some weird looks, but overall, I think he enjoys it :)

Samson's only been shopping once, he came with Peppy and I, and my mom.

I had one bun, momma had the other, it was funny.

You should try it sometime :)

Bobeesh is shedding. He decided it's warm today so he's going to lose his winter coat all today I think LOL!

I was trying to hold him but he gets really irritated when it's "sleeptime" for him and we mess with him.... he digs and digs on me to let meknow he doesn't care if he gets ear rubs or anything he wants to goback to bed!!! :p He's not a day-person...errr bunny!

I think I'd get thrown out of the groceries here.... NO PETS ALLOWED!
Don't ya just love it when a bunny molts?! haha when it happens here, into the tub they go for a full day of grooming :p

I use my dog grooming brushes and work at it, Peppy loves it! He'll sit there all day for you if you brush him heheh.

Samson...I dont know what to do with him!!! :XI have about 10bruises on my arm from him biting me! He's EVIL!!! He's a perfect bunnybesides that. I'm gonna muzzle him haha.

We also have a "No Pets" policy, but... who can resist a rabbit? :D
I took Nepo out of hisoutside cage and into the house and he kept digging at the door, so Ifigured he wanted to go back to his cage. :?
Hey everyone,

Chloe is doing OK. She is a little upset with me and won't come near meright now, she runs away, but honestly who can blame her. She ishopping around with caution tho. I hope she will get better soon!Thanks again for all your help.
Molting is the best!!!! *note sarcasm intyping* There's nothing like bunny hair in your eyes and nose tomake your day just perfect!!!!! :p Bo has been trying to moltfor a month... I think it just really hit today! lol

Nepo must be like Bo..... daytime = Sleep

Bo gets up with us early and then plays a bit and goes to bed around 9a.m. and doesn't really do a lot other than get up and eat a nibble orpotty and back to bed ..

Around 5 p.m. he'll get up and play a bit but not get out of hiscage. He wants out about 10 p.m. again and wants to playuntil midnight or later..... He's killing me! :?
Hi AmeliaOK, welcome to the forum.

Glad Chloe is OK. What kind of rabbit is she? Howold is she? Isn't it scary when a rabbit screams.The thing I'm scare of is stepping on my bunny because they run so fastand you never know if they are under your feet.

Rainbows! :)

The bleeding has stopped, but she is constantly licking herfoot. I got her at a pet store about a month ago, they didn'tgive me much information about her. I know this is gonna sound awfulbut, I don't know what kind of breed she is, and I am not sure of herage either! I just fell in love with her because she was so friendlyand cute!!! It was the most horrifying thing to hear her scream!! I wasjust so heartbroken it happend. I feel so guilty. But I am hoping in aweek she will be at least more playful and want to come up to me. Itstinks this had to happen. But I am glad I had so much help from youguys, otherwise I would probably be having a anxiety attack.ha. It is just definitely a learning experience.
Don't feel like it's awful you don't know! Ithink it's even better that you just "fell in love" with her withoutknowing or pre-deciding. I think sometimes that's the bestway to find a pet ... just find the one you fall for! :)

Is that her in your avatar? do you have a larger version of the photo so we can see her better?

It looks as if she's a lop of some type.

Keep and eye on that paw. It's probably just sore.
I just wanna say that molting rocks! I love having fur in my throat!! It's like a coat for my vocal chords!! :p

I'm glad to hear your bunny is alright! :)

What is her name?

She does look like a lop of some sorts... I love lops!

If she's at the pet store, she's probably anywhere between 2-8 months old. I'm guessing.

It's kinda hard to tell a rabbits age.

Feel free to post lots of pictures!!

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