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Feb 14, 2012
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toronto, Ontario, Canada
My little girl Scarlet has never been a very friendly bunny until she got sick, i noticed a lump on the side of her face and immediately rushed her in to see our vet. Our vet has always been very good with our dogs and as advice from our Dog rescue group that we are affiliated with we took scarlett to him as well. She was checked out, diagnosed with an absess and operated on two days later. Her recovery has been going very slowly as the hole where the drain was placed is still leaking puss. I'm constantly cleaning her up and the poor thing flinches like crazy. She was only suppose to have one jar of antibiotics and she's gone through two. I advised the vet to look at her teeth because this absess popped up within a week and in 2 days doubled in size, and all of a sudden her bottom teeth were crooked. After her surgery he said her teeth were fine. Now both sides of her neck have abscesses. One that i am currently still cleaning out from the original surgery and now a new one which again within three days has more then doubled in size. She also makes a lot of gurgling noises. I can't tell if it's because she's in pain and scared i'm going to clean her neck or if she's having respiratory problems. I am a student, pretty broke and her original surgery and medication totalled at over 550$. I am worried she was misdiagnosed. Does anyone know anything that could help me or a vet specialist in the toronto, missisauga area that could help me out and knows a lot about rabbits? I am aiming to take her to a vet this saturday, one that i find asap that specializes in small animals. But any information would be greatly appreciated! My vet has advised we put her down because of the cost of continually draining them, personally she doesn't seem to act to ill enough to stop her from playing, i don't want to put my baby down if i can save her and i really believe that this sounds like a tooth problem. I feel like the draining of the first one wasn't done to the best of it's potential and or her exam wasn't. PLEASE HELP

She is a dwarf bunny, I feed her the Timothy formula of the Martins Food,
She gets veggies often.
As of today i noticed her having a little more of loose stool.
Her appetite has not changed but she drinks veryyy little water compared to the rest of my guys.
I just checked on the website. They are operating under winter hours, so it is only open until 630pm. Call and tell them that it is an emergency and that your rabbit is in pain.

Greenwood Park Animal Hospital
1041 Gerrard Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M4M 1Z6

Tel: 416.778.6666

Right by Gerrard Square Mall/Plaza;
Between Pape and Jones on Gerrard;
Near Riverdale High School
Was she x-rayed? That's the only way to check tooth root problems.

What kind of antibiotics? It takes months of treatment using both an injectible and an oral antibiotic.

Bicillin, Deplocillin or Baytril by injection are the common ones in Canada with and Chlor Palm or Zithromax for the oral. They seem to be the best combos.

Mikey just had a small jaw lump (caught early) which went away with on its own with two a month of shots and Zithromax, then another month of just Zithromax.

My vet also wanted to removed the lump and treat the area, and do a visual exam with a fancy scope, I declined both and asked for the antibiotics.

The drugs have worked to day, although I think it's a tooth root issue and it will return. If/when it does, I will confirm with a dental x-ray and then ask for a tooth extraction.

sas :pray:
She wasn't x-rayed, after her surgery the vet said he thought the infection was close to her bone so it was likely in her bone and we would have to put her down shortly, it's been maybe two and half months since her surgery. I don't understand how this one popped up and doubled size within three days, why it's happening so quickly. And its pretty much parallel to the last one, its almost as if they are right under the left and right side of her jaw bone.

Thankyou for the advice, i saw this too late, but i will be sure to phone around tomorrow morning.

i feel bad but at this point, i don't really trust my vet with her.
I feel like the problem was more "fixed" then cured if thats fair to say?
then again I'm just extremely worried for my little girl.
Hoping all is well.

Mr Rabbit vet told me dwarf bunnies do have problems with their teeth. He doublechecked Kreacher (my smallest) at 4 months just to see if his teeth were not crowding his mouth and growing correctly.

If you don't trust your vet, I would immediately find another Rabbit Savy vet that truly specializes in this small animal. We lucked out with Dr. Joe.

K :)
I am in a much better mood today, i just returned from the vet with antibiotics in hand and also both abscesses re-drained:) My vet said the new abscess was actually much smaller then i thought and without surgery could be drained-And was. So even though my poor little babe is missing hair on both sides of her face, she is doing much better. However i do think i will be contacting a rabbit vet for a check-up once over and for any more concerns. The vet also said despite her appearance she is healthy and doing well. So i guess this will just be a day to day thing. Scarlet is not happy with her mommy right now but I'm sure after run of my room and the bunch of veggies she'll be getting tonight she will come around:) not to mention this once pretty vicious rabbit has turned into the biggest mom's girl and snugglier with recent events. I'm happy my prayers last night were answered :pray: <3
thankyou for all your help:) :)
I'm glad to hear your bunny is doing better.
Personally, I would suggest finding another vet. This comment in your first post worries me:
"My vet has advised we put her down because of the cost of continually draining them"
Was your vet talking about the financial cost? I've never heard of a vet suggesting euthanasia because of money problems. That is unsettling to me.

I'm happy that she is better though, you sound like a great bunny parent! :)
MandyK wrote:
Personally, I would suggest finding another vet. This comment in your first post worries me:
"My vet has advised we put her down because of the cost of continually draining them"
Was your vet talking about the financial cost? I've never heard of a vet suggesting euthanasia because of money problems. That is unsettling to me.
How it was discussed would make a difference. I wouldn't want a vet to assume that I was willing to spend all my money on my pet's care when I need it for my care.