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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Some people may notice my absence from the boardin the coming weeks. I have 3 big course finals coming up - SocialStudies 20, Chemistry 20, and English 20-1. My first exam is the 20thand I have 5 months of work to review on top of daily homeworkassignments. Needless to say, I have to take time out of my internetsurfing to allow for the extra heavy homework load because teachers arecramming all the last work into 2 and a half weeks and I need to studyat least an hour a night.

So that leaves me just enough bunny time and enough time to do a quick run down of posts every night.

Just thought some people may want to know where I will be.
Aww We'll miss you MyBunnyBoys. I do understandthough. I dont miss thosesemester finals!!! I remember thelong hours, headaches, and belly aches until it was all over. Best ofluck.

Good luck with the finals! I have mine coming upin the next couple weeks.. not looking forward to that :?. I hate howteachers always cram the last couple weeks, it's not fair at all.

We'll certainly miss you and will be thinking and praying that all goes well.

We're here if you need us.

Good luck with finals. We'll miss you!
Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, the only help Imay need would be making sense of Shakespearian passages and for somereason, teacher wont allow kids to go on the internet and ask for helpduring the finals. ;)

Chemistry is easy for me, all I need to do is review some definitionsbut the formulas are almost natural to me, lol. English is my hardestsubject, but I've figured out the secret to essay writing that hasimproved my essay grades from a 65% to an 85% in the course of 5 months(arg, I have to write the essay for English on the 18th!). Social isok, but I have to study everything, I don't like history and I don'tlike that we have to write essays on part of our course for the finaleither.

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