Abby chewing on cage...

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New Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Anna, Texas, USA
My mini rex abby has started chewing on the metal on her cage :( I want her to stop before she hurts herself or gets sick from it. Is there anything I can do or put on it to make her not do it anymore? She has plenty of things to chew on and toys to play with throughout the day when she is in her cage and out. She also gets enough food and veggies to eat so I know she is not hungry.... any suggestions?
When Cheeto had a cage (he's taken over my room now haha) I put vinegar on the bars and he stayed away from it...for a while. Try that or lemon juice...or both mixed. I actually think the reason I let him have free range is that the chewing was driving me crazy.
But it worked for a while, might as well give it a try.

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