Abandoned baby-anything else I need to do?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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I told someone earlier I had no plans for anymore additions.

The operative word there was 'plans'.

I have found myself foster mum to the most adorable baby.

He was abandoned by the side of the road, in a box, with a sibling (who was dead before anyone found them-attacked apparently).

I don't know how old he is, anywhere from 5 weeks to 7 weeks is my best guess.

He is some sort of lop, and harlequin marked, and VERY sweet. Loves to give bunny kisses :D

I am just going out to get him the pellets the RSPCA have been feeding him (they have had him since Monday). He has already eaten some hay, and I've also given him so oats.

Anything else I need to do for him or give him? Is Nutrical sensible or not sensible? A probiotic?

I'll post some pics soon, but to put it simply, he is cute!

I've missed having babies :D
He is very willing to eat. He is making loud crunchy noises with his pellets, he's also eaten some oats and hay.

To me looks like he is on the right road, would that be accurate?

He's been at the RSPCA since Monday and each morning they come in and he is really cold, so he clearly can't cope with being outside yet (he's in my porch)-not sure why they didn't move him somewhere else at night though, but hey ho.

He has brilliant aeroplane ears :D

He is definitely only a foster though, he can't stay here permanently, I'm already over run with men-just have to keep telling myself that.

If only I knew someone who wanted a little boy, lol.
aww cant wait for pictures.

and what a sad start this bunny has had. :( any names for him yet?

and sorry, cant help with advice on that.
He is called Autumn, which yes, I know is a girlie name. I sort of want to call him Artie, but I'm not sure why. But Chip also came into the mix.
He's happily eating pellets. I know its the pellets he has been eating since Monday. I have given him a small handful because that's what he has been getting twice a day. He's also eaten all the oats I gave him, which is new for him today.

I'm wondering how many pellets I should be giving him? And if I should gradually increase the amount so that he is eating unlimited pellets?

Is he ok without pellets for some parts of the day if that is what I am supposed to do?
I would very gradually increase pellets until he can free feed on them, because of his age. He likely won't eat much more than 1/2 cup to 1 cup a day anyway though.
Aw trace. That's awful for the poor wee mite but at least he is in good hands with you :) at that age he should be fine. Can u remember I had to take a litter off sun early and they were just 5 weeks. They did fine as long as there aren't to many excess squidgeys u r fine xx
can't wait to see the pics but i daren't let Hannah see them as she has already said we have room for another one or she can have him in her bedroom! :p
Ha ha, well, I would find it pretty easy to part with him if I knew he was coming your way :)

You're welcome to come and visit him when he is out of quarantine, if you like. No point until then because no one else can touch him and we can't get him out at all.

Polly I do remember Sun's litter, but the main concerns I have for this chap is that he has obviously been through some horrific things, no least of all nearly dying every night in the cold at the RSPCA:rollseyes I'm his third home already which is sad. No runny poos or anything like that this morning, just good regular fecals. He never stops eating though!

This morning he is very perky. He is SUCH a cutie. I'm aiming to get some pictures today :D
His breathing looks a bit laboured but only when he is asleep. Anyone got any thoughts on that?

It wouldn't surprise me if he had something like a LRI or a URI because he was getting chilled everynight at the RSPCA (they were coming back in the morning to find him cold, shivering, lethargic, etc). He is currently acting fine though, eating cecals, pooing, stuffing his face, drinking, etc. He is very enthusiastic about whatever he does at the time (including sleeping- he's already scared my mum with a DBF and no movement at all).
what a cutie Trace, I dont get how people can abandon buns esp when they are so small at least he is totally enjoying his grub tho :D
Good appetite...that's ALWAYS a good sign.

He's such a little cutie! He had a rough start, but it sounds like he wasn't too traumatized because he'ssettling in so well, and acting very social. What a lucky little man, to have a nice foster family to care for him!
ahhhh, he is SO cute, and look at him eat! I have a feeling he will thrive and be fine, you are really great for taking him in. :hug::hug:
OMG he is adorable! That was awesome that you could take him in and help him out. And he's so passive. A couple of the rescue's i've done, i couldn't touch them while they were eating, they were possesive of their food and would bit me until they gained weight, ut you were just scratching him and he didn't seem to care

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