a suggestion for winter months

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pa, , USA
Oil and gas prices are going up soon. We can notafford a 500 gas bill. What can I do to keep my critters warm so theheat can be on a stead temp. Lately we had to turn the temp up to 70 orhigher to keep our critters warm. I have stuff for the guinea pigs adnthey also have blankets covering the top and back of the cage to keeptheir heat in with them. Now MeatHead is below the piggers what can Ido so he can not get the blanket in the back. I can change his squaregrids to mesh grids so he can not get to the blanket.

If I cover the side and back of his cage will it help keep him warm ifwe turn the heat down a bit. I told my husband that we may have to putin one electric radiator so we can turn the gas heat down a bit. Isthere other suggestions outside of the blanket and elec radiator. WEwould like to avoid elec radiator too.


Angel and MeatHead

I tried searching and could not find anything. If there is some threads could you post them for me.

Pristine's ears get cold sometimes...I just warm them up for her. :D
i always feel my bunnies may be cold. but theydo have fur, and bodies will adjust. i'm not talking of really reallycold, mind you. but i feel their ears too. i think lots of excercisewill help keep them warm. and cuddles.
I know that they to pretty much tolerate a cooltemp. I guess it is me a worry wart. I do let him out so he can warm upand slowly cool down when he is done. we posted the same time. I tendto forget that buns are like dogs a bit that can keep warm in a coolhouse. I guess he'll be fine then. I jsut have the piggies that aremore senstive then the buns.
Since Willow's condo is next to the window, andthe windows are "good" but not "great" by modern standards, I put aquilt over the the long side by the window and short side by the wall afew days ago. It's working pretty well.

It eliminates the little bit of window draft.:cool:

She loves to try to pull some of it through the NIC bars..not easy but good exercise.:brat:

The little bit of added darkness keeps her quiet a little longer in the mornings;)
He is not near the window at all. He is near ourbedroom door so when we leave the door open there is a bit of coolerair coming in from the main apt. But our bedroom does stay warm longerthan the other rooms if the door is kept closed. So if the worst casescenario comes we would have to keep the bedroom door closed.
He should be fine inside. Maybe just give himlots of towels he can bunch up and make his ownb little nest? My rabbitnow loves to create nests (donut looking things when she lays in themlol!) with shredded paper. I don't give my rabbit anyheatfrom the thermas or anything because I did itlast year and her coat went really bad and she was too hot because shehad grown a winter coat. They are also just as sensitive to hot as cold.
cool then he will be fine. I will just have himout every few hrs so he can warm up on his own. He has 2 outdoor matson the bottom of his coroplast cage so it is not slippery.

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