a sick rabbit

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2004
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Degraff, Ohio, USA
I have a three month old rabbit who i believe issick because she is not her normal self, her ears are cold and she isgrinding her teeth. any tips on what is wrong?

snap happy :dude:
If she appears to be in pain, not eating/drinkingand not passing normal droppings, then a trip to the vet is inorder. GI stasis is common at this time of year and rabbitscan become quickly dehydratated and build up toxins in theirsystems. (Not certain what's wrong, so you do need anaccurate diagnosis).

Lactated ringers,a gut motility agenta painreliever and antibiotic are commonly prescribed. Until youget her to the vet, you can try Simithecone drops from the pharmacy(for human babies). I also administer Nutri Cal (for cats anddogs) to bunnies that are not well.


she appears to be constupated also and neverseems to be in a comfortable position. we got another bun yesterdaythat is her sibling and she/he seems to be doing well. i thought thatwould help but im not sure if it really is...

I agree with Pamnock.

It sounds as if she's in need of a visit to the vet's, sooner ratherthan later. The grinding of the teeth is usually what they dowhen they're in pain.

Good luck! I hope she'll be okay. Keep us posted.


Don't want to alarm you, but your rabbit is inneed of attention right away. When they stop eating andpooping, it's big trouble and quickly can become fatal. AsPamnock said, NutriCal will help boost the immune system and keep thenutrients in the rabbit that she needs for now.

Make sure she keeps drinking, even if you have to syringe feedher. She won't get better until she's able to get her systemworking again. If she doesn't keep the fluids in her, dehydration cankilla rabbit. See if she'll take some freshpineapple or some dried papaya. Will she eat anyhay? Do you have any oats in the house you could give her,eitherrolled or old fashioned Quaker Oats?

Ok, I will talk with my mom about this. I am not sure if we have any oats but i will look around for some. thank you....

And btw, what is a GI?

snap happy
Your rabbit is at great risk, Snap Happy, of her condition quickly becoming fatal if you don't get her the help she needs.

For more information about G.I. Stasis, read:

GI Stasis: http://fig.cox.miami.edu/Faculty/Dana/ileus.html

Best of Luck. She's in some pain and that in and of itself can attack the immune system, as well as her appetite.

GI is short for"GastroIntestinal" which refers to thedigestive system. Gastro is the medical prefix referring to the stomachand intestinal is self explainatory :)

well, my bun died around 8:05 tonight....i triedto give her a comfortable resting spot and lots of love. i wasnt herewhen she died, but my mom was holding her in her lap when she died...iwas five mins late when she died....:(:(:(:(

is this a contagous disease for rabbits? :(
So sorry to hear that you lost her :(There may be a genetic predisposition in certain rabbits,butGI stasis is not contagious. It's possible that a viralinfection could be involved, but healthy rabbits with strong immunesystems are normally not affected. I would recommend a goodcleaning of her living area to eliminate bacteria.

Ohhh SnapHappy, :(

I'm so incredibly sorry. They go so fast. I know your shock anddevastation and my heart goes out to you. I'm glad she was loved byyou. Rest assured, she loves you still.

There is a post on this board entitled "Rainbow Bridge" started byBunnyMommy. It's our tribute and memorial to our loved ones on TheOther Side.

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. Iwill spend a bit more time than usual saying Good Night to my babiesknowing your pain.

With Deepest Sympathy,
Pam and Carolyn,could you please tell me a few basic things that I should keep on handin case Sebastian were to get sickvery quickly like thatwhere Iwould need to take care of him for a few hours beforehe saw a vet. Also maybe some brief instructions if youhavethe time. I never know if you would be around in anemergency! I've read your posts over the months and I know time iscritical but I don't know what to do during that time.

Hi Raspberry Swirl,

The best prevention of G.I. Stasis is grooming, high fiber (grass hay)in their diet, and water. Very little sugar as you know it'snot good for the G.I. system. You want to keep their systemmoving. If the rabbit stops eating, and doesn'thave many droppings or they're very small, it could be a sign of therabbit having a problem with it's G.I. tract. Simethicone canhelp relieve gas, and unsweetened Pedialyte can provide theelectrolytes to rehydrate the rabbit.

I like to have a needless syringe on hand at all times in case you mustforce feed the rabbit water. Also, I don't think anyoneshould be without a tube of NutriCal. Not only does it keepthe nutrients in the rabbit that you need, it boosts the immune system,and can help with an appetite. Even just giving NutriCal asthe bunny ages is a good idea.

If you do notice a slowdown of the system, some folks give papaya orfresh pineapple to help break the hair down, that said, you don't wantto overdue on this as it can cause a bacteria in the G.I.system. Powdered enzymes, like bromelain, would be thealternative.

Syringes are nice to have for givingliquids. Pedialyte, Nutri Cal and tetracycline (antibioticfor GI stasis) are good to have on hand.

That breaks my heart and brings back memories ofwhen I lost Angel. She, too, died suddenly of a GIobstruction. One day I noticed she stopped eating, scheduleda vet appointment the next day, took her to the vet andit wastoo late. It happened so fast. I'm so sorry foryour loss.
Dear Pam,

Where can I get tetracycline and when and how much should be used?

Hi Carolyn :)

Tetracycline soluble powder is available at most feed stores and rabbitsupply dealers. Use approx. 1 tsp. per gallon ofwater. I've found it helpful in treating GI stasis to helpkeep the harmful bacteria at bay. It is always a good idea toconsult your vet before administering any medications (have to get thatdisclaimer in there LOL)


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