A Rountuit!

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Buck Jones

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Down the shore in, New Jersey, USA
Today, I got around to doing tasks Ihave thought about and talked to myself about for at least ayear.One task was breaking down the house buns' dogcrate/cage and the basement dog crate/condo/cage for the outsidebuns(during inclement weather)and taking the "floor"sectionsto a muffler shop to have caster wheels welded on.

Voila`! The house buns' 26" x 42" crate/cage now scootswherever we want it toute suite, making house keeping chores that mucheasier! The double deckered 36" x 48" crate/condo/cage willnow be able to be moved about in the basement once I erect it for thecold weather, or, it will "roll" in and out of our van if we take anybuns on a vacation road trip this fall/winter.

It was one of those tasks that was easily put off for a myriad ofreasons, some valid, some not. The welding cost more than thecrates cost me, but that's okay because they are eminently morefunctional having the wherewithal to be mobile.

Today, I also built a two shelf mobile (with casters) hay/straw storageunit. It is simple plywood shelves, 41" x 22" and about 46"tall on four casters. I store one bale of hale and one baleof straw in open 42 gallon contractors' trash bags, placing one on eachshelf. The bags remain open so as to not let the ingredientsbecome moldy, yet the bags help to contain the inevitablehay/straw residue.

The casters mean it'll roll about, out of the way, in the shed and Ican roll it right out of the shed when it's time to pull out somehay/straw, thereby the residue will fall to the ground outside, ratherthan to the floor inside. What a neat freak I am!

By most people's standards these were pretty mundane improvements, butdo I ever feel good about them, especially because they were longstanding "rountuits." Now, I've got to startdealing with our new digital camera. I'll get around to it,soon. I promise.

Got any bunny "rountuits," yourself?

*applaud here*

Wow, Buck. Good Job! I thought the first paragraph was enough.

Have no rountuits right now, but you've inspired me to think about it and get around to it.

Actually, I did get around to sending something off in the mail todaythat I've been wanting to do for a week. Come to think of it, I justthought of another rountuit for tomorrow. :shock: Just thought ofanother. And another and another...


Enjoy the benefits of your hard work. You've prepared yourself and thebunnies for the fall and winter. Get a good night's sleep, My Friend.You deserve it.

I just loooove getting stuff like that done.

In fact, on Sunday I ordered the bunnies' new cage, and it should behere by the end of the week. The kittens are nearing the end of theirtime with us :)(), and of course I'll miss them *sniff*....

But even u8myhouse can tell you I'm really excited to have mybunny babies back. So once the cage arrives, I'll get 'rounto settingit up and acclimating them to it. How long to do you think it'll takethem to become accustomed to the new cage?
Way to go Buck. It is so funny youbrought up this post. I spent most of the day doing alot of the thingsI've been putting off. I'm almost totally done unpacking the kitchen,hung some blinds and curtains, organized my room and a hall closet.Then I finally got the internet up and running. YEAH!!

Good job on the cages. Sounds like it will make life and moving bunns a whole lot easier.

My list of "rountuits" stretches toeternity. I often ponder what it would be like to have amoment of time that is not scheduled.

I did make 50 replacement cages last year. That chore seemedto take forever, and building cages is one of my "least" favoritetasks. The kids pitched in and helped, so we finally got themcompleted.

Another one of those "rountuits" that I've put off in completing theinstallation of the water system. One hundred cages arehooked up, but I never did the final 50 which are in the "L" portion ofthe barn.

Most certainly we'd finish the interior of the rabbitry with the nice white walls my previous building had.

This thread is beginning to make me feel overwhelmed Buck!

I finally got around to painting my bathroom, it's been on the list for about three years now:shock:

Buck, castor wheels are a great idea. I wish that my cages had mobilitybut that is not even an option. Good job on accomplishing such a bigtask, nothing feels better than a job well done in my opinion.

Fergi's mom
I finally made that last rabbit cage,bred thosedoes that i have orders for the babies.did some dusting i have beenputting off.theres more but at least i started.bluebird
Got a list of roundtuits that I need to do this weekend.

We are starting on roundtuits here. I havesucessfully cleaned the bathroom today I sorted through all thebathroom items,reorganized the towls,sheets and blankets! Task 1complete. Task 2 is to go through every cabinet in the kitchen. We'vemade it half way around the kitchen! Computer room is next, bird area,and living room. Once we get past the kitchen things will be a breezeas there aren't many 'hiding' things in cabinets! Just got about 300movies to go through. LOL!

All this has to get done by Sunday at 5 pm! Uggghh! And when do I have time to sleep? LOL never!

I guess this means that spring cleaning is starting early here. Guessthat leaves the rabbit projects wide open! I've gotta reorangize mybarn once I decide whats happening with a doe and her litter. :( I'mgoing to do something new about the flooring in the barn as it doesn'tlook the best. All cages have to have their routine cleaning.:?With all this I've still have to find time to study forcollege.
Right now my dad and brotherare building a cage for Nepo to live outside in :). It's 4 ft long, 2ft wide, and 2.15 ft high. His old cage is 2 ft long, 18 ft wide, and15 ft high. So his new cage is aboutdouble the old one!:D

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