A request for all those that breed lops

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Gypsy asked my if there were lops in my babies,because of the position of their ears. I know that Gracie hadsome lop in her.

What I would be interested in seeing is lop kits in the one week oldstage. If anyone can do this I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance


1 Week old Kits , ( Hlaf Pints New Litter ) .


1 week old different litter .
Thanks gypsy.. so what is thedifference in position of an uppy eared rabbit (sorry but cannot think of a better term) Do you have pics that will show me thedifference

So in the case of an accidental breeding... Gracie does not have lopears and neither does Pez, so because there is lop in her can thattrait skip a generation.

Thanks so much

It cancome out in any generation , not necessarily thisone or the next butya never know lol . Ihave some pics of Dutchbabies Its more therounded ends of the ears that give itaway .


These are one week old Dutch babies ,Notice the point tothe endof the ear. most lops haverounded ears at the top .
Any Time Susan , Hope it helped ,

No matter what they look like they areall beautiful wigglies ,Personally I have a soft spot forthe lop crosses Ilove the Airplaneears it gives themso much character lol . not toforget to mention when they get goofylooks on their faces those half uphalf down , or somewhere in betweenears are a sight that willmake you smile orjust burst out laughing .

Theres just something about a "caught in the act look" with an ear flopped out tothe side that just cracksme up .
no pics but scamps ears were pointy until about 5-6 weeks and then they flopped.

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