A Question For The Experts

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I was chatting with one of my neighbors lastnight and she told me that they have an old Himalayan rabbit at thissenior care home down the end of our street. Great I said. But then shegoes on to tell me that they have to "squeeze the rabbit to get her topee." Does this sound like something that can be fixed with proper vetcare?

It sounds like there could be a physicalblockage of some kind. Perhaps matted up hair and they can'ttell if the rabbit is urinating. Or it could be somethinglike a mucous plug, stone, crystalat the end of the urethrathat needs to be broken up with a catheter or removed in somemanner. Manuallyexpressing abladder isn'tthe greatest of things especially if someone is untrained.Serious damage could be done. Also, it needs to be donefrequently and may make the animal very unconfortable.

The rabbit could have atonic bladder and the muscles may not befunctioning. If that's the case, the y need to evaulate therabbit's over all quality of life and make a few decisions.

Competent medical care should provide some answers and perhaps some solutions.

Perhaps this will provide more info

Wow. Thanks so much. I may have to take a walkdown there and personally check out the situation myself. It's possiblethat they have had the rabbit checked by a vet, I'm really not sure.I've got to find out for my own piece of mind. Will keep yinz posted.
mambo101 wrote:
Imay have to take a walk down there and personally check out thesituation myself. It's possible that they have had the rabbit checkedby a vet, I'm really not sure. I've got to find out for my own piece ofmind. Will keep yinz posted.
You're a good egg, Mambo!





~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~

:energizerbunny:Happy BelatedBirthday, Mambo!


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