A question about spaying...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
The vet I take my rabbits to says it isokto spay a bunny as long as it is at least 2 pounds butisn't concerned about the age. My holland lop is probablyreached the weight requirement but is only approximately 9 weeksold. I think that she has started reaching puberty becauseall of a sudden shehas stopped using the litter pan, and isattacking my neutered female with a vengance, but is not attacking myneutered males at all. Bottom line is... what is the youngestthat you can safely spay a rabbit she still seems pretty young tome. Here is the little sweet heart that I am talking aboutbeing a little naughty:D.


My vet says 6 months, but I have heard that itcan be done a soon as 4 months old with some breeds. best take her downto the vet and have her checked and the vet will tell you when to bringher back for spaying.

Nothing against your vet or anything,but I wouldn’t trust a vet who "isn’t concerned with age" especiallywith Hollands because they are a smaller breed. I would at least waituntil they are 6 months old, because the stress on a younger could bekinda well stressful :) Make sure your vet is rabbit savvy, meaning heworks with rabbits on a regular basis. You might also want to ask if hehas done any rabbit spay/neutering before, and if so how many rabbitshas he lost during surgery.


Actually my vet is supposed to be an exoticanimal vet and they said they do rabbits on a regular basis. I havenoticed that in some of your posts that you mention pain killers foryour buns after surgery, but I have never been offered that.
I have had 3 of my babies fixed and haven't had any problems so far, but the age thing still worries me.
zoecat6 wrote:
Actually my vet is supposed to be an exotic animal vet and theysaid they do rabbits on a regular basis. I have noticed that in some ofyour posts that you mention pain killers for your buns after surgery,but I have never been offered that.
I have had 3 of my babies fixed and haven't had any problems so far, but the age thing still worries me.

:D Just wanted to make sure that your vet was an exotic experiencedvet, I didn’t mean to sound like I was insulting him, I am sure he is avery good vet :D

I didn't take it as an insult to the vet. Just alot of caring people on this board trying to get the facts:D. As alwaysI appreciate any and all opinions.
That was an african violet, now minus allflowers. And the other one is a baby tear plant. I didn't think shecould get up on that table but she used the window sill to boostherself up and from there on to the table. She is a little monkey:).