A Question about REWs and genetics...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I rarely read the lionhead lists lately - but I came across this post last night....and I'm hoping to get some help for this person (who is a friend).

So, my ignorance will most likely be blatantly obvious, but I have to ask this question...

If REW is self, and you can't (or should not) get a self (going from the information on the chats in the last 3 or 4 days) from two Shaded parents, then how come my Siamese Sable doe and my Smoked pearl buck just had 2 REW in their litter this morning....?

I would like the simple, and detailed answer to that...well and all the genetic flash too, because I keep this all for my personal Genetics notebook....

I wrote back to her and explained that REW was the small "c" gene and it could hide behind anything and if both parents carried it - then you could get REWs.

She wrote back and said,

"well yes thank you, but they just got done telling everyone in their chat this past week that 2 shadeds can never have a self, but if rew is self, then that rule doens't apply, does it?"

Can someone help me to explain this to her? I think I understand what she's saying - but trying to explain the genetics ... yikes.

I think the problem might be with terminology in that REW may be called 'self' but it isn't self???

I am not at all good with genetics. I just breed the colors that I KNOW are compatable. Anyway...I read a good article in the Jersey Wooly Newsletter that said that the REW is just a colored rabbit with a "white sheet" thrown over it. You don't know what "color" it really is. That was the jist of it and for some strange reason, that really made sense to me. I will see if I can find that article.

I think the only reason they put REW and BEW under self is because it is a solid color, it's the same color throughthe fur.Theyare not genetic self but photogentic self. I think that is right. :?I think REW should have it's own catagory ;)Anyway REW mask the color, you can get REW from any color. The thing is is her REWs are geneticly shaded but it is hidden, just as if you bred two AA rabbits, all the babies would be genetic agoutis however if both parents carry REW the babies can be born REW. The REW gene has nothing to do with the other genes so they in no way effect the REW color's outcome.

Maybe that will help?
What bunnybunbunb said. Rew are commonly used with smokes and sables to lighten the colour of them They are classed as a self because their fur is all one colour but because they are masking their colour a lot of the time they are really a shaded colour like smoke pearl which is the dilute of sable anyway.

It just goes to show that her in the past genetics a rew has been used in either 1 or both lines which is why they are coming through in the litters. This is a good thing and a great idea to keep back to improve colour on yoru smoke!
Thegenetically accurate statement would be:

You can't get full color expression "C"from shadeds "cchl".


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