A mouse in the house

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
Yesterday my cat was acting really weird so wemoved the livingroom TV and a mouse ran out. We tried toketch it but those things are FAST! IT ran under all the other couchesand then just disappered. Leo has been staying inside because its 100*outside and at night it doesn't get lower than 90* so I was worriedthat the mouse might hurt Leo if he decides to reappear. Just wonderingwhat yall thought.
I've had problems with mice in our house. Try a catch and release humane trap. They work pretty good.


But Im not sure where we should put it.... Hewas in the living room but now we can't find it... We were just goingto let the cat ketch it!
Mouse traps work best along the walls where they run. Wherever you saw the mouse you should put the trap.
manda wrote:
i dont think a mouse would hurt the rabbit. i dont see why it would.
On the contrary, mice carry lots of diseases, one including rabies.
Yep, diseasesand parasites, like mites. That's one reason to be very carefulallowing your cat to catch it, because they could just as likely picksomething up from the mouse that could be bad for them.

Plus I wouldn't want them around the rabbits food - they'd likely soil in it :yuck