A list of what your rabbits love?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Anchorage., Alaska, USA
Well, I searched the past topics and couldn'tfind a thread on what they like eating, though I know there have beenquite a few of them..

If anyone could, post a list of the vegetables they give their rabbits?I'm going shopping soon and figured I would ask so I can pick upsomething new? Thanks!

Romaine Lettuce


I'm going to the farmers market this weekend to try and find some niceFRESH stuff! But thats it so far...they are young and Ihaven't introduced a ton yet.
I have a Holland Lop named Ellie, she is 10months old. She seems to be very picky about her veggies, sodon't consider my list to the norm :).

She LOVES kale, but I've read mixed things about this....that it shouldbe fed sparingly. She also loves romaine, parsley andcilantro. I gave her some celery leaves this morning so whenI get home I'll have to see if she's eaten them.

She HATES carrots, endiveand spinach. She actuallymakes grunting noises at carrots and one time pushed the dish to theother side of her cage!! So okay...no more carrots.

She doesn't seem to like apples or bananas either.
Miffy likes romaine, cilantro, flat parsley,shredded carrots and my local grocery store sells dandelion leaves,which is her favorite. (people cook them like collard greens)These are more of a treat but she still loves them, VitakraftCarrotSlims and pressed alfafa hearts. Have tried kale (shelikes) and a few others but she eats the stuff listed at the top allthe time. I give her other stuff occasionally but so far thatis her favorites.
okay so maybe this is old to everyone else, buti find it absolutely hysterical that my lil bun doesnt like carrots. ifyou try to give him a piece he either nudges it away or picks it up andthrows it away from him. Can he have milk? He always goes nuts when hesees me eating or drinking andhe always trys to jump up andlick my mouth, but he goes extra nuts when i have milk. he will jumplike crazy and be ontop of my feet if i try to get away from him and ifi put him in his cage he jumps up on the door. oh and he really lovesbananas. he also likes strawberries, raspberries, apple, and mango.thats all ive allowed him to try so far and try not to give him muchcuz i dont know how much sugar is going to give him a tummy ache.
I wouldn't think artichokes would be good forbunnies because the stickers would hurt. My bunnies lovejerusalem artichokes, also called sunchokes. I slice them up,the look kind of like waterchestnuts. It's my buns favoritetreat.

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