[align=center]So, I've had my rabbit Dora since June 19th. [/align]
[align=center]The lady at the pet storewas pretty stupid and didn't really know much about the rabbit, but shesaid it was a female and around 4 months old most likely. So, I got mybaby and named her Dora. [/align]
[align=center]And last week I found outthat my Dora is actually a Diego. Yupp, it's a male. And how did Ifigure this out?
My lil Diego was getting friendly with myarm and when I turned him over, there his little thing was!xD[/align]
[align=center]I originally wasn't going toget Dora spayed but now that it's a Diego I'm thinking about gettinghim neutered. He keeps on getting friendly with my arm, and I thinkgetting him neutered might help a bit. Any thoughts on this? I need toknow how much it would cost so I can save up, the vets around here aregenerally rediculously high (New Jersey!)[/align]
[align=center]Any tips on how to get himto cut it out a bitt? Anything would be helpful! Thank youu=][/align]
[align=center]-Katie & Diego[/align]
[align=center]The lady at the pet storewas pretty stupid and didn't really know much about the rabbit, but shesaid it was a female and around 4 months old most likely. So, I got mybaby and named her Dora. [/align]
[align=center]And last week I found outthat my Dora is actually a Diego. Yupp, it's a male. And how did Ifigure this out?
[align=center]I originally wasn't going toget Dora spayed but now that it's a Diego I'm thinking about gettinghim neutered. He keeps on getting friendly with my arm, and I thinkgetting him neutered might help a bit. Any thoughts on this? I need toknow how much it would cost so I can save up, the vets around here aregenerally rediculously high (New Jersey!)[/align]
[align=center]Any tips on how to get himto cut it out a bitt? Anything would be helpful! Thank youu=][/align]
[align=center]-Katie & Diego[/align]