A few questions..

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Oct 19, 2006
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[align=center]So, I've had my rabbit Dora since June 19th. [/align]

[align=center]The lady at the pet storewas pretty stupid and didn't really know much about the rabbit, but shesaid it was a female and around 4 months old most likely. So, I got mybaby and named her Dora. [/align]

[align=center]And last week I found outthat my Dora is actually a Diego. Yupp, it's a male. And how did Ifigure this out? ;)My lil Diego was getting friendly with myarm and when I turned him over, there his little thing was!xD[/align]

[align=center]I originally wasn't going toget Dora spayed but now that it's a Diego I'm thinking about gettinghim neutered. He keeps on getting friendly with my arm, and I thinkgetting him neutered might help a bit. Any thoughts on this? I need toknow how much it would cost so I can save up, the vets around here aregenerally rediculously high (New Jersey!)[/align]

[align=center]Any tips on how to get himto cut it out a bitt? Anything would be helpful! Thank youu=][/align]

[align=center]-Katie & Diego[/align]
Hi Katie! and welcome

Your little boy is very gorgeous,but yeah getting him neuteredshouldhelp deal with that problem,i cannot tell you how muchit will cost as i'm in Australia.

But isn't it funny how so many petshops get the sex of the bunnywrong,this happened to me and my little girl Pippi was actually a boybut i didn't find out until 5 babies were born and then poor littlePippi's masquerade was over and he was straight to the vet for thesnip..snip:)
